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alarm immobilisor


January 18, 2011
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98 explorer
hi there one and all, today i drove my lovely 98 explorer to work, when i got there the doors wouldnt lock from the key fob and then, when i got back in the engine light did not come on so i couldnt start the engine....i am now stranded at work...can i reset the alarm and drive home? cant see a valet switch anywhere? this is an english version (right hand drive) any help greatly appreciated.

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I'm not very up to date on 2nd Gen X's so I may be a little off here (I'm going by how our '06 mustang works and what I remember seeing others do)...

It sounds like you are saying you have a factory key fob (open doors etc) and the battery is bad in the fob so you can't unlock the doors with it.

As I understand it, that only controls the alarm portion but not the start portion. IIRC, if you unlock the doors using the keys, even when the door was locked using the fob you should still be able to start the vehicle since the imobilizer function is actually the PATS system which is the chip type thing in the key.

Also, If you change the battery in the fob the computer (ECM) should still be programmed to the existing fob.


maniak... he has a "english truck" which means they had a "mandated immobilizer" system install at factory (usually). Hopefully, some one from UK will chime in. I think that you might be stuck though. It sounds like you might have perhaps a powering issue, check ALL your fuse just to be sure.... and of course, your battery connections. I am not sure whether the immobilizer, when it "fires", cut power to everything or just to the ignition coil area. I would suspect just to the coil. Hence, your key in "on" should at least turn on some "lights" in the dash (ie. the check engine light should light and stay light).... but perhaps not. Good luck.

maniak... he has a "english truck" which means they had a "mandated immobilizer" system install at factory (usually). Hopefully, some one from UK will chime in. I think that you might be stuck though. It sounds like you might have perhaps a powering issue, check ALL your fuse just to be sure.... and of course, your battery connections. I am not sure whether the immobilizer, when it "fires", cut power to everything or just to the ignition coil area. I would suspect just to the coil. Hence, your key in "on" should at least turn on some "lights" in the dash (ie. the check engine light should light and stay light).... but perhaps not. Good luck.

Ahh, so I was way off.. It was worth a shot.. just wasn't sure how different it would be, but apparently its much more than I expected..

on a side note. just noticed your from ottowa and I'm actually on a conf call with our corp office in kanata (Mitel).. just a random thought :)


Hi mark
Even with the immobiliser engaged you should still get the ignition lights on.
Do you have the security red light flashing on the dash?
For my money check all your fuses under the bonnet and in the cabin. Also check the battery terminals.
Lastly come and say hi and post this in the uk section as we have some knowledgable guys here.
Howard is a bit of a guru on the pats thing.

HI all, problem sorted...the system was being blocked by radio had to put the key fob right next to the control ubit, under the boot left hand panel. pressed it a few times and it worked...moved the wagon and all was returned to wont park there again...thanks for all the advice much appreciated.
