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Another XM radio question


New Member
December 31, 2003
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Germantown, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT
Ok, I'm new at all of this. I have a 2003 explorer with the factory radio and single CD Player. I just got the Roady XM radio system. I noticed that the sound using the cassette adaptor is not that great. Best Buy and the local Ford dealership tell me that if I add the FM modulator by Delphi, the sound would improve. From other websites that I've read say there is a 50/50 chance that the sound would improve. In that case, I want to try to install the FM Modulator myself. When I took out my radio, I did not see anywhere to connect the FM Modulator to a power source. Best Buy said that I should take the wire labeled power on the modulator and strip off the end of the male and female wire and then strip the yellow wire on the back of my radio. Wrap the wires together and then tape them with electric tape. I was told this would give me the power source. Then attach the ground wire to the radio.

Will this work? Also, will the FM Modulator improve my sound? Are there other suggestions to improve the sound?

Thanks in advance

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I would not tap into the power wire from the radio. This may give the radio less power and will affect sound. I'd personally tap the rear defroster fuse or something like that: an ignition controlled fuse that's high capacity and not used very often.

Many people don't recommend tapping fuses for power. However, if you do it safely and correctly there is no problem. Basically remove the fuse you want to tap, stick the stripped end of the additional wire into one of the spade sockets, and replace the fuse. Make sure the power lead to the XM unit is inline fused itself and you should be good to go.

There's a good article in the Spring 2003 2600 (Hacker Quarterly) on XM -The Flawed Future of Radio.

Amusing that it's broadcasted from two Boeing satellites aptly named "Rock" and "Roll". heh

Makes some interesting points... I just can't see paying for it until it gets better.

I just leave the metal channel (XMLM) on all day anyways. $9 a month for infini-thrash is well worth it. :D

Thanks Alec,

Before I try tapping fuses for power, I would like to see if there were any other suggestions. Since I'm new at this, I would like to try something a little easier.

If you are going to use the fuse block for power, do it the correct way....


  • fuseadapt.jpg
    6.1 KB · Views: 211

Ok, remember I'm new at this. So if I take the rubber end off of the power wire on the modulator and run it to my fuse box on the driver side. Find a fuse, like the rear defroster, pull it out, put the wire from the modulator in that area and then insert the fuse on the wire. This should work.

The modulator has a male and female end on the power wire. Do I only strip the wire for the male end and insert that in the fuse?

Originally posted by Sherman67
Find a fuse, like the rear defroster, pull it out, put the wire from the modulator in that area and then insert the fuse on the wire. This should work.

You are asking for potential trouble.

Ok, forget that. I don't want trouble with this. It sounds like I should just have Best Buy install it but I don't want to pay for the modulator to be installed if the sound is not better than the cassette adaptor. That's why I wanted to do it myself. Unless anyone can tell me another way to do this without using fuses.

You should never do a 12v hookup w/o a fuse,

Its very simple, just do it right and avoid future problems.

Whatever you do, don't have Best Buy do it. They'll just do it the easiest way possible which isn't gonna be the safest or best performing way.

If you tap the fuse like I explained, and use an inline fuse in addition to the XM's power wire, you will be fine. It's the same as that gizmo Al posted.

Ok, I should not quit my day job. I'm totally lost. Aren't all fuses inline fuses? From the picture that Aldive provided, that looks like some type of fuse holder with a power wire attached. Is this what I need? Do I take a fuse out of my fuse box and insert it into this fuse holder and then splice the power wire from the modulator to the wire on the fuse holder? I told you I was new at this. Thanks for your help.

Well, yes. Technically all fuses are inline. However what I meant is that you get one of the inline fuse holders that's a fuse holder with 1 wire coming out of each end. Stick one side into the fuse you're tapping, and one side to the power wire.

Al's gizmo contains 2 fuses: one for the original circuit and one for the new one. The thing I don't like about them is they make it so the fuse panel cover can't go on anymore, and they block other fuses.

wire your FM modulator to your switched accessory power wire going to your radio. the fm modulator has its own inline fuse on the power wire. it wont take away any power from the radio since the radio uses the always on wire for power. the switched wire just tells it to turn on.
this is assuming your using the delphi fm modulator for the sky fi.
the one for the roady is wireless and you would have to disassemble the power connector that goes into the cig lighter and that too has a fuse inside.

however i would not recomend the fm modulator. for basically 10-15$ more you can directly connect the xm radio to your headunit.
the part # you need is FRDN-AUX. i used both the FM modulator from delphi and the PIE AUX adapter and the sound quality with the PIE adapter is 100% better.

since you have the single cd player, i would recommend the PIE aux input adaptor. it's the ideal solution. another advantage is you can leave the xm on if you want to change to FM for news, weather, etc. It's a plug-n-play installation, so you can do it easily yourself and not worry about doing anything wrong. make sure you have a connector for a cd changer.

PS: as modulators go, however, delphi's does sound rather good. it's a quality piece for what it is.
