Any 2006's NOT have a leaking radiator? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any 2006's NOT have a leaking radiator?

Put 98K on my '99 5.0 EB with no problems, now 66K on my '06 4.6 Limited with zero problems.

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considering that 06 didn't matter if it was a 4.6 or 4.0 they all leak.

Am I missing the 4.6 owners saying they have leaks? Seems like a V6 problem.

My 4.6 leaked. I thought the radiators were the same? Ebay auction said fits V8 and V6 models.

Yamaha Bill - I see yours is a 2007 V8 ^. I have a 2007 V8 w/38K miles, no leaking so far. At what mileage did yours start leaking?

Yamaha Bill - I see yours is a 2007 V8 ^. I have a 2007 V8 w/38K miles, no leaking so far. At what mileage did yours start leaking?

It started around 61,000 miles. If I can get another 60,000 with the one that went in it I would be happy :)

It started around 61,000 miles. If I can get another 60,000 with the one that went in it I would be happy :)

Thanks for the info, good to know.

I had the 4.0 engine, and with gas creeping up to $3.32 gallon, glad to have a more dependable, economical SUV at this time - KIA Sorento I4 FWD. Of all the cars we owned, the 2006 V6 EB AWD was the worse - have all my old bills/repairs in a file. Ford made a killing on these radiator/thermoplastic housing problems - so I wonder who bought my SUV ? 3/36000 warranty does not sound much of you plan to keep the car. I still have the thermo-electric fan in my garage, and you can see where the dealer used the impact gun to "tighten" the threads to the water pump. I'll try to see if I can post this.

I have an 06 eddie bauer v8 explorer with about 29,000 miles. No radiator issues, I had to get my tranny adjusted once. I am having tire sensor faults now. not sure what causes this but I came to this site to explore and get some feedback.

I've got an '06 V6 that's never been in the shop. Only needed routine maintenance and new tires. It's got about 62,000 miles.

06 v6 at 52k. Replaced the radiator at 28K. No problems since.

Actually, the V8 does not have the same problem.

actually they did.

originally every 4.0 / 4.6l had leaks. what ended up happening is the mfg was investigated something altered at first, which is also why for about 3-6 months dealers couldn't even get radiators.

actually they did.

originally every 4.0 / 4.6l had leaks. what ended up happening is the mfg was investigated something altered at first, which is also why for about 3-6 months dealers couldn't even get radiators.

Why don't you see people complaining about it here for the V8?

I looked in the first few pages and didn't see anything about V8s. And I've never seen anyone mention the V8 radiator leaking in the time I've been here. I'm not saying it's never happened in the V8, but it seems like it's really only prominent in the V6s.

I looked in the first few pages and didn't see anything about V8s. And I've never seen anyone mention the V8 radiator leaking in the time I've been here. I'm not saying it's never happened in the V8, but it seems like it's really only prominent in the V6s.

its both, its the year, mfg and since 07 even has different trans line fittings over the 06 i always wondered if it was just the mfg behind the fittings which broke the tanks. the rads only leak at the tank seals. which seemed like a bad aligned machine or ****ty ass gaskets.

i read that thread backwards think page 15 or 14 ppl have a v8...

I've got an 07. Started leaking at 39,000 miles, just 1,000 miles after I bought it! It's got 45,000 on it now. Haven't done anything but put a rag under it in my garage and top it off once a month (about a quart). For the price of a new one, I can manage the smell of antifreeze every time I get out of it. All I hear is it's the 06's leaking and the 07's and later are manufactured better and don't leak. Guess I got the short straw on this purchase...

Anyone put in an aftermarket ALL ALUMINUM radiator in? I know you'd have to also put in a trans cooler, but they're about $25, so it may be worth it??

I've definitely thought about an aftermarket aluminum radiator. You can get two rows for about $200 and make it work and like you said an external trans cooler wouldn't be hard to mount.

I will probably do this after my 3rd radiator starts to leak. It should be any day now.

my dads v6 2006 62,000 i believe and no leaks

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Another victim, I changed the radiator of my X (06 / V6) at 55k miles. Over 55k miles only needed a tire pressure sensor and the radiator... I can live with that :p:
