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Will this hurt anything?


Elite Explorer
February 20, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Biggs, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Special Eddie
Hi, just a quick question, I have a cleargearz rear diff cover, and i love it but it just doesnt show enough, what i want to do is dye the gear oil....i was thinking like using food coloring, would this hurt anything? Think it would work? Is there a colored gear oil out there already? Thanks in advance, James For those who dont know what im talkin about heres a link to what im talkin bout


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I would think it would take a heckuva lot of dye to change the color of gear oil to any other color. That would most likely affect the viscosity, which would be harmful.

hmmm I didnt think about that.....I think im going to do a little experiment with some gear oil in a glass

food coloring is water based as far as I know. Oil and water, well you know the old saying...

If I'm not mistaken when that cover originally came out they had a dye for it, but since that's not around any longer maybe they ran into problems with it.

glacier, yup you're right about that....ammo, im looking into that, thanks.

isnt there that purple colored gear oil? like royal purple or something like that....

isnt there that purple colored gear oil? like royal purple or something like that....

ive seen it, and if you look in the link i posted in my first post you will see the purple gear oil in that rear end, but I would like my fluid to be even brighter, so that it really gets noticed, when driving now my rear diff looks hunter green, i really would like it to be red, bright as hell red

However, you don't want to be noticed sitting on the shoulder with a bright red line leading to your truck--

" Look mommy! That truck bled to death!"

IMO--go to another area of your truck, and purdy it up--

However, you don't want to be noticed sitting on the shoulder with a bright red line leading to your truck--

" Look mommy! That truck bled to death!"

IMO--go to another area of your truck, and purdy it up--

FORD Found On Road Dead :D Yeah i know, im just tryin something new to be different! I was just hopin someone had an idea,

^--- x2

And, judging by your avatar/icon, off-roaders typically shouldnt worry too much about color :D

(unless you get kevlar lined steel braided brake lines from KeithXtreme <-- those are to die for and MUST be in green *cough* Spas)

^--- x2

And, judging by your avatar/icon, off-roaders typically shouldnt worry too much about color :D

(unless you get kevlar lined steel braided brake lines from KeithXtreme <-- those are to die for and MUST be in green *cough* Spas)

lol yeah off-roader it is....but my way of lookin at at, my old lady loves to get dirty, but i still like her to look good doing it! same goes for my explorer (sorry for comparing my explorer to my girl, but its the best i could come up with)
Ok stop IZwack, not you got me lookin up "kevlar lined steel braided brake lines :eek:

^--- x2

And, judging by your avatar/icon, off-roaders typically shouldnt worry too much about color :D

(unless you get kevlar lined steel braided brake lines from KeithXtreme <-- those are to die for and MUST be in green *cough* Spas)

*ahem* Keith @ Xtreme *ahem*

*ahem spas ahem cough*


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OH MAN:eek: Those are badass!

yeah--those would clash with bright red--

well the way it looks, im stuck with muddy water gear oil color, and as it turns out, I just bought a disc brake conversion, and an aussie for the 8.8 from Carlover, so i have another 8.8 i am building up in my garage and im thinkin those lines would look really good on it...im destined to be broke

Wait a minute...what are you trying to say here? :( :p:

I am saying, I wish I had painted all my little dodads black!!
everything in this picture is turning that way, it is a hard battle to fight
Use black to purdy it up!!


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    dual exhaust with spare.jpg
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