Building a center console. Tips and Ideas Welcome | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Building a center console. Tips and Ideas Welcome


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2012
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City, State
Madison Wisconsin
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Ford Explorer
Hey guys like the title states, I building a new center console for my ex. Ive already pulled the current one and am using it as a template. I want it to extend all the way to the under dash and come up slightly over it to mount a tablet pc. I plan on using the existing floor mounts. It will be covered partially in auto carpet and leather upholstery and house the LED(not that crap in little coffee can racer hondas but nice under seat illumination) lighting junction that I plan on through out the ex.

Im thinking of order these for the cup holders.

Ill post pictures as soon as i have more to show.


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This is before a test fit, I new I was gonna be close with my guestimate.

This is after the test fit.

And this is a view of the under seat lighting switch, one on each side, as well as great stuff foam, to fill the gaps between the cuts because there just 90 degree angles so nothing butts up perfectly. Once its fully cured it will be sanded.


..For cup holders you can usually go to a local Marine/boat store and grab them off the shelf..I like finding them in person as there are so many sizes and variables when ordering these online..;)

Interesting project. I'm definitely interested in the LED lighting. Subscribed.

This is the led/plexiglass illumination for my pc, its much brighter in real life, its done by drilling into the side of the plexiglass and epoxying the leds in. And in case your curious the image was hand engraved with a dremel.

But I want to do a illuminated bar underneath the seats with white leds and illuminate the cup holders with the ability to switch between 2 or 3 colors.

That crastfmanship is awesome. Please take plenty of pics of any led work you do. Switches, wiring, etc. I may copy some of your lighting work. Thank you.

If you sand the rounded top off of the LEDs so they are flat they will put out the light more scattered out and not be so directional. Should light the whole thing better without so much of the light beams.

That thing is going to be heavy. Did you think about making it out of 1/4" MDF or plywood?

If you sand the rounded top off of the LEDs so they are flat they will put out the light more scattered out and not be so directional. Should light the whole thing better without so much of the light beams.

That thing is going to be heavy. Did you think about making it out of 1/4" MDF or plywood?

For the LEDs I actually have about 100 3mm flat top LEDs, as far as the weight goes its pretty light, its made out of 1/2 pine plywood, ill post pictures in a little bit on how its made, its supports my weight without flex, which will be pretty shocking when you see how its made.

This is the how the general structure is built.

Now I just have to figure out the cargo compartment, and the arm wrest.

The basis for the wiring and how im going to keep the wiring clean.

Ok so here's a pic of the foam rough sanded down, the lighting in my apartment is great so the picture is not what it could be. But remember there is going to be a fabric batting and then the upholstrey, so getting everything perfectly smooth, but doesnt mean I wont try.


Ill get a better picture later.

Well set back after set back. Tried to dye my fabric that I got black, after an hour in rit dye it was the same color. I bought the fabric at a goodwill it was 6'x8' for .73, to cheap to pass up. Also turns out using a sewing machine is a huge ***** so here's what im doing.

Permanent markers work on it and I have read of permanent markers with a mixture of rubbing alcohol to dye fabrics.


Alright don't mind the mess that's how I bought the ex, I've spent my time working on it and not worrying about it be clean.

Alright in the ex-

I didnt realize that I made it a finger width to high until I went to pull the ashtray.

I had to move the console back to get my fingers in to pull out the ashtray, it slides in and out no problem once its out far enough to get my finger in there.

The location of the switch in relation of the seat.

And to prove that the vast majority of whats been done so far has been guess work.

Well staple gun shows pretty decent results not what I really wanted but not bad.



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