need help finding intake for a 04 V6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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need help finding intake for a 04 V6


Well-Known Member
July 14, 2006
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Long Island , NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer Eddie Bauer
Been looking everywhere and can't find any.
Most of the ones i see are for 02-03 and the ones that are for the 04 are for V8s:mad:

So does anyone know where i can find an intake for my 04 V6?

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...go to the bottom of the forums page and click on kbabiak...;)

Been looking everywhere and can't find any.
Most of the ones i see are for 02-03 and the ones that are for the 04 are for V8s:mad:

So does anyone know where i can find an intake for my 04 V6?

I used a KKM and a K&N (02-03) and made one for an 04+

...go to the bottom of the forums page and click on kbabiak...;)
he sells intakes?

I used a KKM and a K&N (02-03) and made one for an 04+
yeah i looked at KKM and just the adaptor and filter is $135..kinda pricey

do you have any pics of your set-up?
I've seen at pepboys and autozone the adaptor for our MAF sensor for like 20 bucks, might buy that and a 02-03 K&N intake

...if it belongs on your truck, i believe he has it or can get it...he knows our trucks...;)

...i may be wrong but he is well worth the try....he is a good person and he is in pa....there are several threads on here about cai's and trying to find them for certain years....i would read up on those too...;)

afaik KKM is the only one made for 04+, and yes it's pricey for what it is. I really didn't like keeping the rest of my stock intake with it either.

If the pepboys adapter works, I would do that!

I had some pics of it somewhere, check my old posts.

u could just fab ur own... i spent about 35 bux on my intake from pepboys... its made out of cotton, the same material they use on the K&N filters, which makes it cleanable and reusable... i also did the throttle body mod from the stock explorers 2002-2005 area... ive got alot better throttle response and i can hear the extra air im getting for a little more horsepower... i just wash it every so thousand miles with K&N filter cleaner and oil... works like a charm...


bigapple: you have an 02... the 04's and up are designed different. The MAFS housing and the stock airbox is all one part and doesn't unscrew like yours... I wish it did! If I owned an 02-03 the FIRST thing I would buy for it would be the K&N FIPK kit.

bigapple: you have an 02... the 04's and up are designed different. The MAFS housing and the stock airbox is all one part and doesn't unscrew like yours... I wish it did! If I owned an 02-03 the FIRST thing I would buy for it would be the K&N FIPK kit.

oooooooooooo didnt notice the "04"... yea the way the airbox is that blows... well one thing that could be done though, if u dremel off the tube where the MAF is, u may be able to put a rubber pipe clamp over that and fab that to a filter... just get the imagination going although i must say its a pain in the ass with the newer intakes (04-05)

I got mine from KKM on Ebay - was 135 shipped, which will save you a few bucks over what you'd get straight off his website.

blitzk that looks drop down sexy! lol
but man i really can't waste that much money

dtholmanmax- i really don't understand why please call putting a reuseable air filter an "intake" what blitzh has is a REAL intake. nothing personal but i have noticed alot of members using the term intake and meaning just replacing the filter

BTW i just thought of this..temp. can't i just buy the 02-03 intake and cut the piece from the stock intake w/ MAF and use some couplings?
until i get $ to get the KKM adaptor

Yeah, you should be able to do that.

I really wish K&N would make one, not that I care much now... but it would be easy for them to make a plastic piece and add it to the kit.

blitzk that looks drop down sexy! lol
but man i really can't waste that much money

dtholmanmax- i really don't understand why please call putting a reuseable air filter an "intake" what blitzh has is a REAL intake. nothing personal but i have noticed alot of members using the term intake and meaning just replacing the filter

well they call it that cuz ur really altering ur intake... if i went out and bought another paper filter and replaced it in a stock airbox would that be considered an intake? probably not... saying u have a modified intake implies a cotton cone filter or some other form of cold air induction

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