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Anyone add a 5th wheel hitch to a Sport Trac?


Elite Explorer
March 1, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Birmingham, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'10 Sport Trac
I currently have a 12 yr old heep that needs replacing, and ’04 Ex with Class II. Kinda like the Sport Tracs and was thinking of buying a small camper which might be a little heavy to tow with the Ex and class II. Another idea is a 5th Wheel - has anyone added a 5th wheel hitch to a Sport Trac? I found a small 5th wheel Scamp, at 2k lbs, looks kinda of cool, real small and light but I rather not get the F150/250 as it will also be a DD and the price of gas . . .
This might also go under the '07 fourm and newer but i thought it would apply here too.

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1. I would think pulling a 5th wheel with a 4.0L v6 would be a :nono: Two reasons, not enough torque from the v6 and you would surely burn up the transmission mated with the v6. That tranny has a bad enough history just doing its job for the truck alone.

2. The bed on a 01-05 Sport Trac is a composite material. Not metal. Does this 5th wheel hitch attach to the frame???? I doubt that the 07+ Sport Trac's bed are made of metal also. Either way, I wouldn't do it unless the hitch attached to the frame. At least with an 07+ model you can get the 4.6L v8 and better transmission. But, I would still advise to get a transmission temperature gauge installed and replace or add an additional transmission cooler with a fan.

Years ago I towed my friends Saturn using a heavy U-haul car hauler trailer with my 01 Sport Trac back when it was still pretty new and stock. I thought it didn't do so great towing that car. And that would have been probably pulling around 4,000lbs. But, my 2000 5.0L v8 Explorer has done a much better job pulling much more weight than I ever tried with my Sport Trac.

I really felt that pulling my friends Saturn on this trailer was too much for my truck and I have 4.10 gears. I am lucky that I never burned up my transmission. Knock on wood.


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I agree with Jonstone about #2 and finding a 5th wheel hitch for a sport trac will probably be impossible. Lots of custom work ahead, but not insurmountable. As for #1, check the towing capacity of your sport trac. If the 5th wheel is light enough, your truck doesn't care how its attached. You do need to check the payload capacity for the Sport Trac against the 5th wheel hitch weight. Doen't forget to include all the crap you'll have in the truck too. Including people.

Don't forget all the other caviates about towing with our vehicles (trans cooler/temp gauge, wieght distribution etc.).

But, with my 5.0L v8 Explorer with 4.10 gears I felt more comfortable when towing. But, I installed an additional tranny cooler with a guage to keep an eye on things. And I had a brake trailer controller and weight distributing hitch. Not to mention, but my 2000 Explorer Limited also has the auto leveling rear air shocks.


Thats a pretty heavy combo you have there behind that Ex. The weight of the Uhaul flat bed is extreme though. I used one cross country with a cavalier on it and a bit of stuff inside the car. Scaled at close to 6000lbs.

Getting a bolt on, no-drill hitch for your 04 Ex shouldn't cost you more than about $200. You can install it easily yourself. Then, put another $500-700 into getting an auxiliary tranny cooler, filter and temp gauge. This would be far less than the cost of a 5th wheel and install. Then get a small pop-up instead.

A small pop up would weigh about the same and you'd be saving a lot of money.

Thanks for the replies, just got off the Ford Web page to clarify more
The Sport Trac in mind is the V8 AWD version with a class III suppose to tow 7k lbs.
The 5th Wheel is a Scamp 19' 2k lbs. I should be ok with either V6 or V8 although I do like the V8 in my Ex. On my '04 Ex id did the Class III Swap (30min) but its only has 3.55's and a 3k tow limit . . .
The 5th Wheel Hitches, I know very little, seem to mount to the Frame not the Bed.

Thanks for the replies, just got off the Ford Web page to clarify more
The Sport Trac in mind is the V8 AWD version with a class III suppose to tow 7k lbs.
The 5th Wheel is a Scamp 19' 2k lbs. I should be ok with either V6 or V8 although I do like the V8 in my Ex. On my '04 Ex id did the Class III Swap (30min) but its only has 3.55's and a 3k tow limit . . .
The 5th Wheel Hitches, I know very little, seem to mount to the Frame not the Bed.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. I thought you were talking a regular huge 5th wheel trailer. I see now that Scamp is a trailer manufacturer and they are small and light. Yeah, that's gotta be one of the smallest 5th Wheel trailers I've ever seen.

Well, if you can get a 5th wheel hitch attached to the frame then I wouldn't see an 07+ Sport Trac with v8 having a problem towing it.


Ok, here's one being pulled by a Chebby S-10. And we know they have a weak ass v6 in them. :p:


I think thats the BIG question the 5th Wheel hitch.

If i can it will be a lot easier on the gas than one of those HUGE 5th wheel that makes a F350 looks small. I sent an email to Scamp so i'll post on what they say.

How about a goosenech hitch. I used to install these hitches (never in a ST) however I recoment the "cody hitch" I doubt they make one for the ST but if you could make it work it bolts to the frame and only puts a 3" whole in the bed. I think this would be a better way to go. Also they make 5th wheel to goose neck conversions. Look it up.

post #10 IS A GOOSE NECK

Thanks all! I now know what my next truck will be. This could very well work, that hitch is perfect. This combo is just the ticket maybe with decent mpg. My guess is i'd get about 15mpg vs. F250+huge 5th wheel - 8mpg?

JT I hate to argue but I have installed thet hitch as well and it just isnt as substantial as the cody hitch + the cody has a "turnover ball" as well.

FYI, Heard from Scamp, confirm its a gooseneck, and they have done a few in the past, but they don't support it now. However if you show up with one already mounted no problem.
fyi. Now i gotta find a ST.

I'm thinking that with the composite bed a 5th wheel would be a bad idea. The owners manual says not to use them.
My '08 has a composite bed also.

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The composite bed shouldnt make a difference with a underbed frame mounted Gooseneck like the Cody. These are not that hard to mount yourself. Just unbolt the bed lift it off and bolt on the hitch. Make sure that you have the whole in the bed in the right spot. However I was just looking at a ST and the hitch will be have to mounted behind the rear wheels not directly over them and this is not optimal for a goose neck or a fith wheel you will need a set of aditional airbags for the weight also you need to do the math and the geometry and make sure that the tounge weight of that trailer combined with the weight of the rear of your ST doesnt come close to the weight of the front end or you will tip up.

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