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Badlands 08

I highly doubt this crowd will be large enough to get the dough for a night run. might wanna do a joint run with RRORC.

If anyone has a login over there see if they'd be up for it, i've tried registering twice and haven't gotten a confirmation email yet. :rolleyes:

Someone might want to try Pirate too.

Dre-Good to hear you may be sticking around!


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I'm not saying I'll stick around that long... if everything works out the way I planned I should be out of here by the end of February... apartment has been rented... the place is ready, job is waiting - I'm still here 'cause I can't sell my house- market stinks and it's gonna get even worse...

I'm just saying that if I'm still here by June I might go...

definitely interested, if i get new tires by June then im in.

I'm on RRORC board all the time. I'll post something up over there.

I can get probably 10 or so rigs from my local club to pitch in on the night run.

Dre--Good luck with that. Hope you stick around, but hope things go better and you can move on.

John--I'm sure you'll be able to dig some up over there. The night run at Chubfest was a BLAST!! Great time

Rumor has it my new job comes next week. Shortly after then, i can see about getting my vacation. From there, my only major issue is if i have a job. February there's a huge vote for a tax increase which will give me a job. I can only hope it passes.

It looks like I'll probably be able to do this. Granted the month before I will be graduating moving into a house, and starting a job, so we'll see how I can get things worked out.


Any updates guys?

Update: Tranny has been giving me issues, ETA on time or type of repair is unknown. I am still going to try and go, depending on work and such.

Update: Tranny has been giving me issues, ETA on time or type of repair is unknown. I am still going to try and go, depending on work and such.

Yeah my 94's just started acting up all of a sudden, needa put in more trans fluid to solve my problems till spring/summer

i had the bronco out today, and it needs alot of work before i can wheel it.
Full steering (most likely full hydro)
2 new tires
front wheel wells

On top of that, still gotta see if i can get vacation/switch days to make this.

This is really getting to the point of being rediculous...

do we actually just live to work or work to live?


no time, no money, got to work... listen to yourself! it's not funny anymore! pathetic...

This is really getting to the point of being rediculous...

do we actually just live to work or work to live?


no time, no money, got to work... listen to yourself! it's not funny anymore! pathetic...

without work, there is no money to have the things we enjoy(ex. badass explorers)

I should have a new truck in a month or 2 and then the explorer gets all the attention its been crying for. :thumbsup:

I'm thinking 04-05 f-150 supercrew shortbed with a 5.4L. Good compromise between daily driver and occasional tow truck.... thoughts anyone?

I'm thinking 04-05 f-150 supercrew shortbed with a 5.4L. Good compromise between daily driver and occasional tow truck.... thoughts anyone?

Just get it so you can have the X done. But yes it should do fine.

I'd rather buy a 98-03 250 or 350 with the 7.3L diesel for a tow rig, but if it's a daily driver, the 150 might be a better choice.

This is really getting to the point of being rediculous...

do we actually just live to work or work to live?


no time, no money, got to work... listen to yourself! it's not funny anymore! pathetic...

When you work for the government, you do as told. I'm also not the high man on the totum pole.

I'm thinking 04-05 f-150 supercrew shortbed with a 5.4L. Good compromise between daily driver and occasional tow truck.... thoughts anyone?

Used 12v cummins!! The 5.4 will work, but it'll be a real bear.. For a small gasser, a chevy 6.0 is supposed to be very solid! I still say a 12v dodge, but I'm biased.

Well with the weekend we all scheduled, I am out. School just released summer schedule and my last masters course before my thesis is that weekend. Just my dumb luck. I'll have to look for another weekend to go.

TTT Only 2 months away :D

My exploder might be orange/black with a new hood and full snorkel, onboard air, LS in the front (if i can find one) and possibly a winch.

Updates anyone else?

Man guys i wish i could get out for this but i am opening my drive in April 18 so every weekend till i close is a no go for wheeling....this year

Man guys i wish i could get out for this but i am opening my drive in April 18 so every weekend till i close is a no go for wheeling....this year

Don't worry, we'll figure out some kind of Fall run somewhere. I really want to go down to Rockport Offroad Park/Hannibal rocks sometime this year.

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it all depends on if i have a job soon or not. I might make the trip and ride along.
