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Battery drain


Well-Known Member
April 15, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Ford Explorer Limited
I have a 97 Mountaineer 5.0 with a 6 month old Motorcraft battery. Recently the battery will die after it sits for about a week. I'm pretty sure it's the battery saver. Does anyone know if I can just cut the wire on the GEM (tan/yellow) that feeds the battery saver relay.

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I'd be more inclined to think it's a defective battery. It should be under warranty, get it replaced.

I did consider that, but I put an amp meter on it and there is a 480 ma draw. When I remove the GEM fuse (#25) it drops to about170ma

I did consider that, but I put an amp meter on it and there is a 480 ma draw. When I remove the GEM fuse (#25) it drops to about170ma
170mA is still too high; should be below 50. Do you have anything plugged in (phone charger, GPS)?

No, but I'll check again tomorrow and re-test

Ok. So I pulled each fuse out one by one, and when I pulled the 30 amp premium sound fuse under the hood, the meter dropped to about 20ma. So can I cut the battery saver wire coming from the GEM to at least kill some of the draw?

^ I'd unplug the rear amp and see if that also drops current, though I would have thought no power should be getting to it even if it has a fault, at least after the battery saver timeout period. Next I'd unplug the console head unit if that made no difference.

It looks like the amp for the sub woofer was staying on. I unplugged the amp and everything is good now. I don't have a sub now but that's ok I still have sound. The battery saver relay is good. I just didn't leave the meter hooked up long enough for everything to go to sleep.
