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Hey everyone, this is my truck... I know it's not an Explorer, but it's in the family. It's a 2001 Mazda B4000 Dual Sport, 4.0 SOHC, 3.73 gears, Auto...













This pic was the end of the day after that last pic & that's not my g/f...



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Looks good...any specs on it?

Very cool!! What are your rim and tire sizes. They look great.

3.5" Fabtech Suspension Lift
2" Rear AAL
15x10 Eagle Alloys 058 Series
34x10.50x15 Super Swamper LTB's


Looks good. I like the white.

Too much butt sag. Other than that, looks good!

nice looking rig :thumbsup:

thats a sweet machine

Just noticed you're 2wd (spindles, duh). Good to see another 2wd out playin' in the dirt!

looks great, but could do without the redneck flag.....

If you'll look again, you'll notice that's in one of the progress pictures. He doesn't even have the front bumper on now.

jimabena74 said:
looks great, but could do without the redneck flag.....

if your gunna say some **** about it, atleast call it what it is, the Confederate flag

Also whats so bad about it?

Great looking truck man! Looks super nice, those LTBs look good on there.

XplorerKid said:
if your gunna say some **** about it, at least call it what it is, the Confederate flag
Also whats so bad about it?

i'm not getting into it here.... there are threads already on this site about it....

and if you need to ask what is so bad about it, i would recommend high school history classes, again......

EDIT: funny thing caleb... you were the one who started the thread on it

i love the way that truck looks...nice job.

First off nice truck. I think it looks great.

Second, why do you respond in the middle of thread to flame him? Instead of saying "hey man nice truck" you start out by saying "Too much butt sag" and another response "I could do without the redneck flag". It is his truck let the guy have on it what he wants. After all it is HIS truck. Next thing we will be seeing is a beer can shaded out cause some of out members are not 21..grow up.

I know I am gonna catch alot of crap for this. You speak your mind I will do the same. flame on :fire:


"Too much butt sag" is a flame? haha. It is too low in the back, would look a bit nice higher.

Your truck looks good. Congrats!

The car tag is not a modification and shouldnt have even been brought up in this thread. You might as well have said that you dont like the girls red shorts. :rolleyes:

i like the last 2 pics the best, i havent been able to get my truck that dirty yet, the stock tires didnt stick out enough...

mechanix said:
First off nice truck. I think it looks great.

Second, why do you respond in the middle of thread to flame him? Instead of saying "hey man nice truck" you start out by saying "Too much butt sag" and another response "I could do without the redneck flag". It is his truck let the guy have on it what he wants. After all it is HIS truck. Next thing we will be seeing is a beer can shaded out cause some of out members are not 21..grow up.
Opinions are fine, just don't get crazy. Have you noticed that the thread starter has not replied? I'll give you all one guess as to why that is... :rolleyes: Please keep on the topic of the thread. Thank you, please pull up to the first window.

Would you want to join this site to show off your truck and hope to learn more about it to have strangers start talking ****? This is a big reason why we have 36,000+ members and only 700 active.

I know I am gonna catch alot of crap for this. You speak your mind I will do the same. flame on :fire:

There will be no flaming going on from this point. ;)

Truck looks good. :thumbsup: What are your next plans for it?

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Your truck looks good. Looks like it's a lot of fun in the mud.

