body mounts spinning | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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body mounts spinning

hahaha So am I and I can do that sometimes :)

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410Fortune said:
hahaha So am I and I can do that sometimes :)

yeah, unfortunately it only works sometimes. Any advice on how I can get these last 2 bolts out? The reason i put the blocks on was to try and raise the body to put pressure on the bolts and hopefully stop the mounts from spinning.


Cut Them With A Sawzall

410Fortune said:
Cut Them With A Sawzall

i cant fit a sawzall in there, if i can make space and put one it, how would i get the bolt out of the mount?


I completely cut my mounts in half on my BII through the rubber, through the metal bushing and through the bolt.
I replaced them all with urethane mounts.
This is the only way to get them off on the BII, the 4 body mounts under the cab are sleeved with a steel sleeve that goes throug the upper and lower rubber bushing.

You either find a larger lever that will keep turning the bolt, get some sort of a strap wrench on that bushing to keep it from spinning, or cut the sucker off!

410Fortune said:
I completely cut my mounts in half on my BII through the rubber, through the metal bushing and through the bolt.
I replaced them all with urethane mounts.
This is the only way to get them off on the BII, the 4 body mounts under the cab are sleeved with a steel sleeve that goes throug the upper and lower rubber bushing.

You either find a larger lever that will keep turning the bolt, get some sort of a strap wrench on that bushing to keep it from spinning, or cut the sucker off!

Im not a mechanic, but could i drill them out??? And then just use a bigger sized bolt with a nut?


drilling is always an option, but I would go with what these guys who have done gen II body lifts have suggested in this thread first.
drilling that sucker out is going to be interesting to say the least! It sounds to me like the drill would jsut cause more spinning??

Only one left. The driver's side behind the back seat. Any suggestions on how to get that damn thing out appreciated.


you have over a dozen suggestions, what else do you want. Just take em out already. Im sorry but we can only offer help, it seems like you are progressing so just keep on doing what ever works.

I had a helper go under the truck and held the rubber part with a big pair of plumbing pliers. I got 2 out that way.

Also it helps to screw it back and screw it back out repeat.

the problem is that the exposed part of the bolt gets rustier than the part that is in the threaded part of the bushing. So when you get to that part of the threads, the bushing locks to the rust and starts spinning with the bolt. The fact that it's now loose does not help either.

But remember, it could be worse.


I ordered this kit and I will be cutting all body mount bolts off and start over with new stuff.,1&item=8042136830&sspagename=STRK:MEWA:IT

Pretty cheap but it should get the job done. I will write a review about my experience with them when I am done.

sn0border88 said:
you have over a dozen suggestions, what else do you want. Just take em out already. Im sorry but we can only offer help, it seems like you are progressing so just keep on doing what ever works.

Yes, I have progessed, and thanks for all the help that has been offered. Obviously if I am asking I am just stuck on this one bolt. I have tried all the suggestions mentioned and they worked for the other bolts, but not this one. The only method I haven't been able to try is the sawzall, however I cannot get to the bolt it is inside the mount. I'm not just on here asking for help and not taking the advice.


Doesn't the bottom of the mount have a square shape that you can put a wrench on to stop if from spinning? I removed my spare tire and wedged a wrench on the mounts and just kept working it... Also heating the bolt up with torch propane or mapp until it is cherry red will help brake up the rust bonds (just keep a fire extinguisher and water handy)

I have a feeling heating the rubber mounts wont work as well ;) , but on metal that is true.

sn0border88 said:
I have a feeling heating the rubber mounts wont work as well ;) , but on metal that is true.

Yeah, what if I heated the bolt from the top? Sorry I keep asking so many questions this is frustrating as hell! All i need is to get this bolt out so I can put the back 2 blocks in and tighten it all up. Who would have thought one bolt would be such a HUGE problem.


DeRocha said:
Doesn't the bottom of the mount have a square shape that you can put a wrench on to stop if from spinning? I removed my spare tire and wedged a wrench on the mounts and just kept working it... Also heating the bolt up with torch propane or mapp until it is cherry red will help brake up the rust bonds (just keep a fire extinguisher and water handy)

I'm not sure, I can seem to see one. Do you remember what size wrench you used? Thanks for all your advice. Oh yeah, I have a mapp, but I extremely wary of heating a bolt right above the gas tank, and I don't have a fire extinguisher.

