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Burns SAS thread

Well as a few of you know my X was messeed up a bit due to a accident. so i have been looking for a new plan.
i have my axles (d44/ford9") all i need is to choose what i am gonna do.
i was thinking about thiS:
In the front i plan to use whild horse 5.5 inch coils,

for radius arms i plan to use this.

they are 12 inches longer that the stock radius arms.i have the whole frame from a 78 f-150 that i plan to get the coil buckets and steering off of.
i want to use a 37 inch tire and use 4.88 gears
i dont see a problem with any of this so i need some info to see if i have missed anything

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i know the people who run the rhino liner shop in cookville and he said if i would bring up my steerin box he would show me where to drill and tap the stock box for that setup. im not takin him mine im gonna try to get the one off the parts ranger and take him that one so it might be easier than i thought

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CTM Alloy Dana 44 U-Joints $210 per
Superior Axle&Gear Alloy Front Axle Shafts $310 per side
i know the ctm joints are good but what about the superior shafts

The only diffrence in the axle shafts 4340 (alloy) is where they are made domestic or foreign (India)
The u-joints made for Bobby Long are made of the same material as the CTMs (300M) but are cheaper

Burns said:
CTM Alloy Dana 44 U-Joints $210 per
Superior Axle&Gear Alloy Front Axle Shafts $310 per side
i know the ctm joints are good but what about the superior shafts

Superioir shafts are pretty much the best shafts on the market.

are the best shafts on the market... not pretty much IMO

And they have a lifetime no bs guarentee

good info on the shafts. so the Bobby Longs are made of the same material as the CTMs (300M) but are cheaper however what is the guarentee

i just got a new truck. my dad just got a 94 explorer and he has two 78 broncos and my brother is gettin the little one and i get the big bronco and i have decided to make it my rescue truck. it needs to be at least as big as my X

if they are both 78's why is one big and one small? What engine/trans does it have

my bad the little one is a 72. whoops lol. the 78 has a 400 big block and im not sure about the tranny

Burns said:
the 78 has a 400 big block and im not sure about the tranny
If its an auto then it will be a C6... if its a manual then its an NP435.

well i guess that settles that question. i have a spare engine and tranny for it ]

Hey Burns,

Were those extended Radius arms from Superlift as well? Can`t find where you said for sure what brand they were.

-Planning stuff and I might steal some of your methods.


the extended radius arms are for a bronco. they are set up with a curve so the wile on a bronco the curve allows the tires not to rub. with the explorer the frame is not as wide and i had to turn them the oppisate way in order to get them to work. that is the only tire rub i have.
here is a link to the web site u can get them from.
oh and another thing if u order them when they arrive u will think that they are way to long but they are not. i thought i would drag them left and right and i have never drug them once.

Thanks, if I use the radius arms from my donor d44 axles I will have to bring the mounts outside the frame anyway.
I`m trying to keep the tires as "in" as I can as well.
Do you think you could have brought your wheels in closer if you had mounted outside the frame to run the radius arms as they were meant? Not sure about your offset but I believe you said they were stock wheels, I really don`t know if you can get any closer than stock anyway.

go to wildhorses4x4.com and go to supension conponents page

u know when u loose the bushings in the front pitman arm that it will shake a bit

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