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Burns SAS thread

Well as a few of you know my X was messeed up a bit due to a accident. so i have been looking for a new plan.
i have my axles (d44/ford9") all i need is to choose what i am gonna do.
i was thinking about thiS:
In the front i plan to use whild horse 5.5 inch coils,

for radius arms i plan to use this.

they are 12 inches longer that the stock radius arms.i have the whole frame from a 78 f-150 that i plan to get the coil buckets and steering off of.
i want to use a 37 inch tire and use 4.88 gears
i dont see a problem with any of this so i need some info to see if i have missed anything

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thats what i need. for now this is my daily driver and i have to try to keep it in the best of on road and off road performance. i think something like a aussie locker will be perfece and priced just right so i can do it soon

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tonight i came home after work and i tore the rear end down. i am having new bearing/seals put in because they are one unit and the seals have gone bad. this is about the only thing i didnt replace during the sas swap. should have known.


here is a pic just to see if anyone can tell me what this is.

Power steering.


very smart man. that little peice made my powersteering run like a waterfall

Where does that fitting go? On the pump or the gear?

the pump. one of the lines attaches to this fitting and mine was leaking like crazy so i put new o-rings in it and it stopped but i still have to put a seal in the box

Need more FLEX

i am looking into more ways to get more flex from the front of my X. i am using whild horse 5.5 inch coils right now. i useds extended radius arms from wild horsed also. i dont know how to go about getting more.

Allow the coils to disconnect? With the help of limit straps of course :D

im afraid to do something like that with it getting road milage every day

You can put two "mount" points or "eye-lets" on the limit straps. Bolt it through the shorter hole for daily driving at which point the strap maxes out before the coils fully extend, and bolt it through the further hole for optimum flex :D

Switch to leaf springs? :D

heck no lol i think there is a softer spring but i cant think of it now

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