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CEL and Codes


Go big or go home
Elite Explorer
July 26, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Willow Grove, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
CEL came on today on my way home from work. I jotted down the 3 codes I pulled and reset it. Light didn't come on the rest of the way home. Can anyone ID these three trouble codes for me?


Also, is there a list or master sheet where I can look these up myself? In the past I have searched and come up empty handed and I just had the same results...there's got to be a website or database to look this stuff up somewhere, no?

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C0400 Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow (chasis code)..not sure if I got this one right..:dunno:

P20XX Fuel and Air Metering and Auxiliary Emission Controls
P0455 Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (gross leak)

Oh sweet, then they were all from the gas station attendant not locking my gas cap. That is a relief. Thanks tbars.

And the link helps, thanks. :D :confused:

..Your very welcome ...:salute:

...Was it just the gas cap??...If so, that's a lot of codes...:rolleyes:

..Your very welcome ...:salute:

...Was it just the gas cap??...If so, that's a lot of codes...:rolleyes:

Yea, this has happened a few times. I clear them, tighten the cap, and never see them again. The first time it happened I had no clue until I gassed up again like 5 days later.

This is why I prefer to pump my own gas. :rolleyes:
