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Climate change- the BIG question-Join in!

I heard the reason ALIENS were not flying around in outer space is that like us they destroyed there worlds through global warming before they could advance beyond localised space travel......
sorry hehehe
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha pmsl

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... even with the plane costs, transportation, storage, increased packing and packaging costs, its STILL cheaper than paying the National mimimum wage in this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Makes me wonder, why do we insist that the government take care of us for things like minimum wage, health care, price controls, and welfare. Because if history has proven anything to us it is that Government's intervention in the economy delays thing like recessions, however it makes the fall even harder when the economy finally catches up to where it should be...

Global warming does not really matter. If we continue to trash our environment, we will kill ourselves with contaminated air, water and food supplies. Yes i am an occasional environmental engineer, and I spend some time in the $hitholes that most people choose to deny exist. My personel and professional experience has showed me things that most people choose to deny and ignore.

How many people in the US die a year because of poor air quality? I believe that the EPA puts the number around 250,000, but dont worry they are old, young and sickly, and we dont care about them, none of us are weak or un healthy.

Remember the 2 rule. 2-minutes without air, you die; 2-days without water, you die; 2-months without food, you die. We are destroying our environment slowly but surely. If you don't believe me educate yourself. Slowing global warming is necessary simply to protect ourselves from ourselves, otherwise we will deny our selves to death, and poisioning ourselves is not a pretty death.

The idiots who abuse the environment should be punished and pay for it, I agree. Those cause more harm than 10-50 other people, they should be a target of legislation. Not the vast majority of people who do care some. Note that Al Gore fits in that group of big abusers.

The idea is fine, abusing the idea of global warming to tax people is wrong. What is being proposed is to take(steal) money from everyone in "wealthy" countries and give it to the non wealthy countries. I will never support that, and that is the main goal of the UN. There other goal is power, the United Nations wants power, over us all, including our governments.

Thus the movement is driven mainly by nuts who are after power, whether that is Al Gore, the UN, or communists fighting capitalism. I for one will not support those people/groups. The concept should die until those fanatics are run out of the leadership in the movement.

Until then let us just pay more attention to the real facts. Data show more trends that temperatures are cooling, not warming. Polar bear populations have risen massively since 40 years ago, don't waste breath throwing out a subject like that.

Look at real data in the public venues, not the crap studies that the fanatics keeping creating. Regards,

Global warming my butt!!! Here, we've had one of the coldest, wettest 8 month runs we've had in a long time.

One thing that always makes me laugh...they say we're hurting the environment. What they don't say is they are hurting the environment for humans!! Long after we have wiped ourselves from the face of the earth, it will still survive and repair whatever we have done to it. Yes, we should do our best to limit pollution and keep our environment green, but it's really a need for the human race, not the planet......

The United Nations just reported the latest temperature results. From them, our temperatures globally have been lower for over ten years in a row now. Their own data negates their claims. The facts do not support them, yet they will blindly continue to argue against the facts.

I am more and more believing that this weather fluctuation happens in periods anyway, we are being taxed for nothing, but we should take care of the world better.

Global warming is real, there is no debating that fact. The question is are we "humans" the cause?

The consequences are extreme. Can we afford to be wrong?

No, I have not seen Al Gore's movie. I listen to the scientific community, because they are smarter than me and you.

This is not a political issue, it will affect you no matter which fist you shake.

"If you put a frog in boiling water he will jump out, if you put a frog in cold water and heat it the frog will boil to death".

The Earth has been warming and cooling forever, and yet we have few accurate records for more than a hundred years. That alone is reason to say that we have no clue as to whether it will be hotter or colder in fifty years.

There is not enough evidence to conclusively say that we are having any affect that is measurable. Thus the data available is not enough as yet. The conclusions and decisions have to be made by logic, and that isn't something that the nuts in charge know how to do. They rely entirely on fear to pressure others to do what they want done.

Therefore, there is no logical reason right now for the USA to agree to a fine by the United Nations in the way of a tax on the GNP, to give that to the UN, to spend as they want to. That current projection amounted to something like 950 billion dollars back dated through about four years ago. The plan was/is to take it from us, and we will not get any of it back, it then must be spent on non industrialized nations.

That's my big issue, we are more giving to the entire world, and yet there are still people that think that more money should be taken from us. Think about regular charitable contributions. If people give let's say 5% of their income voluntarily to their church etc, what do you think would happen if you the government began to tax them 5% to pay some organization outside of their community? That money is taken and spent outside of their community.

Those people will stop giving to charities, they can't afford it. What is the affect, why of course the communities where the money is taken from will suffer. Those economies will be hurt, productivity will decrease. That is basic economics, and it's also what is wrong with our US Government. We could be doing far better if they would stop taking our money away to spread wastefully among their vote buying programs. If they would leave us alone, there would be much more money that would be spent on the real needs of the community, voluntarily.

The answer is not to steal our assets from us through governmental legislation. That is negative economics, it hurts the entire productivity of the country. The answer is to give incentives to reward the better behavior desired. Don't punish, reward.

The scientific community disagrees with you. Please post your credentials. Note fox news and talk radio are not scientifically accurate.

Dude you got issues, global warming is not one of them.
