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Colorado Colors Run 2010

Where should CCR10 be held?

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  • Poll closed .
I am most likely out now. I was supposed to be back at work today (monday) in Dallas.:mad: I am stuck in Steamboat Springs, Colorado with my X at the Ford dealer with tranny problems. It's been less than 25,000 miles since it had a full rebuild that cost about $1,600 Now I am going to be 3 or 4 days late getting back home from vacation, and my budget shot by a couple of grand.

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Well this trip just got better for me. My 23 yr old son is going to attend with for a long overdue Father / Son vacation. He is very excited about going and needs some time away from his hectic life in the big city.

I think this is just what the Doctor ordered for the both of us. :)

Once we figure out where we are going, we can make some reservations for our overnight stays. So lets get this decided guys!

And it gets better from this end too Gregg, my son will be attending also, he is coming down to visit his old man before his re-deployment with the Marines.
Just wonder how much hell can these two cuz's cause?:D

And it gets better from this end too Gregg, my son will be attending also, he is coming down to visit his old man before his re-deployment with the Marines.
Just wonder how much hell can these two cuz's cause?:D

Very cool Mike! 4 of our clan in the CCR trip at once! Awesome!

I think they will be so wiped out from the days adventures that they will most likely be passed out before us old timers. So, I don't see them raising anything but the blankets over their heads :p:

Here are a few pics of what you might see on the "Aspen" trip.


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I would have loved to make this trip this year. But, I think there's too little time and money to be properly prepared make this trip for me and my Sport Trac. :(

IN IN IN we or just I are so in for this trip not making moab killed me I voted aspen but anywhere other than Ouray is good by me beautiful area just been there done that! 3 times for the CCR now

I voted aspen

Looks like you voted Breckenridge instead :p:

I think first of next week we should nail it down so everyone can start getting their reservations in. Ouray is a strong leader in the polls so if the majority says Ouray I guess thats what we will do. The trail itinerarys could be changed up to make it feel different I suppose :dunno:

I would like to make the motion that when you stop the current pole, since votes are all over, take the top 2 locations and then have 1 more voting pole for final location, so each of top 2 can get a fair shake vs people going.

I myself have only been to Ouray once and was great but if chosen there again will pass, mainly cause I want to see other parts of Colorado, which I assume is true for most that have been, no offense to anyone that hasnt been to Ouray yet.

I would like to make the motion that when you stop the current pole, since votes are all over, take the top 2 locations and then have 1 more voting pole for final location, so each of top 2 can get a fair shake vs people going.

I myself have only been to Ouray once and was great but if chosen there again will pass, mainly cause I want to see other parts of Colorado, which I assume is true for most that have been, no offense to anyone that hasnt been to Ouray yet.

Even tho I agree with B2Guy's idea, I disagree with the timing. If the top 2 locations are to have a run-off, it should be stated at the beginning of the poll instead of 15 days after the poll starting. I understand a run off if there is a tie for the location, but with the poll ending 19 August, that would still be tight for making reservations over the Labor Day weekend. ( and yes I did read Brian1's post about next week)

If the location I voted for recieves the most votes, that is where I go to wheel, if not, I go where the most votes went. I have only been to a EF meet as a rider, (Moab, I didn't meet my own critera for traveling, and SMORR I was needed to be with my family at a difficult time)

I just want to finally wheel with EF peeps but I think rules must be posted at the beginning and not durning the middle of a voting. If the critera for voting for the CCR10 is changed now and there is a run off for the location I will go to the location that recieves the majority of the votes and have a grand ol time with EF members.

Question for those who expressed interest in Colorado Springs since it is one of the higher choices it seems. Have you guys looked in Well's book at the trails in that area? I just looked and IMO they look boring with the exception of one of the harder ones. Plus I don't foresee anyone doing Independence/Penrose trails in their Explorers which leaves mostly easy forest roads.

I should have closed the poll on the 1st a few days ago but when I made it I just picked an arbitrary date so it wouldn't run on forever.

Brian, Check out as they show most of the trails in CO. Around the Springs are: Just in Teller county
Bull park rated 4
Eagle rock rated 8
Saran wrap rated 8
mount Baldy rated 3
Liberty trail rated 9
Independance and patroit trail both rated 10

So I think there are trails in the springs that everyone would have fun on. As in most of CO. We could go anywhere from Col Springs to Ft. Collins and find a challenging trail


Im not to sure what this is all bout... but i was in Colorado last winter thru Ouray. Im moving from Michigan to Grand Junction, CO. Anyone care to share what is is and what i have to do?

I should have closed the poll on the 1st a few days ago but when I made it I just picked an arbitrary date so it wouldn't run on forever.

I agree with this as it can be a real PITA to get reservations made the closer we get to the holiday weekend. I know it is hit or miss with the holiday, but wouldn't we rather be safe than sorry? Remember Telluride has the big art/biker event that sucks up the rooms all around this area. If I am forced to go to a high priced hotel/motel, I won't be attending, as funding just won't allow it. Gas is the killer for us that are so far away, it adds up fast.

Looks like you voted Breckenridge instead :p:

I think first of next week we should nail it down so everyone can start getting their reservations in. Ouray is a strong leader in the polls so if the majority says Ouray I guess thats what we will do. The trail itinerarys could be changed up to make it feel different I suppose :dunno:

well yeah thats what I said lol some place!!

There looks to be a chance I can make some or all of this. I was out there last month and my truck didn't like the long steep climbs. Or running 70 mph in 103 temps. If the shop gets it fixed there is a good chance I'll make some of it. I have a guy that I might meet in Alamosa on the 9th to do some stuff down south to the border for 5 days or so. Then I need to meet another guy in Arizona near Jacobs Lake for some stuff starting the 15th. How's that sound for a kind maybe sorta thing? I camp on public land most of the time. Don't mind a motel every once in a while if I can park my truck in front of my door.

Hey thanks rick. i think you guys may have a Michigan X coming to the event.
I read up on the link... you guys think a stock 4X4 X in my pic link with just lockers could make it thru the trails?

Hey thanks rick. i think you guys may have a Michigan X coming to the event.
I read up on the link... you guys think a stock 4X4 X in my pic link with just lockers could make it thru the trails?

if in doubt, just put a tire on the highest looking rock in your path.

I actually think our truck traveled the area better on 31" tires than 33".

you might want to have an all terrain tread, as the rocks can be sharp.

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another thing I want to throw in here--
Just my advice, so take it with a grain of salt.

While descending the "steps" on Black Bear

Use neutral, and let gravity pull you down when possible. This way you do not have the engine pushing through your frantic braking. If you get to a small hang where gravity will no longer keep you moving down hill, pop it into drive, just enough to get you moving and go back into neutral. This will take at least half of the strain off your brakes.

<<<<steps down from soap box
