custom bumpers, yay or nay | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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custom bumpers, yay or nay


Well-Known Member
January 21, 2011
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City, State
Madison, wi
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 sport
Along with ball joints and other misc. maintenance i was thinkin custom bumpers from rlc welding and a winch are in order. My stock bumpers have had a rough life so they need to go. Anybody have any pros or cons to add? My truck is mostly stock otherwise. Just bl and 31's.

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I think you'll be hard-pressed to find anyone here who wouldn't recommend a customer bumper and winch. The only drawbacks I can think of are cost and added weight.

Go for it!

How bout the added strain from a winch? Im runnin the stock alternator with optima blue top. That battery is a beast i think i will hold up

I've heard of people mentioning weight a few times. Why does that really matter? I understand weight from a racing perspective, but I guess I can't see it being THAT big of a deal for a street/light trail truck.

There's a shop here in town run by a guy who has a 2nd gen Mountaineer that looks pretty set up (from his pics on facebook).

If possible, leave the truck running when you use the winch, no problems. You can also upgrade the alternator when you get a chance. I used mine on the stock '92 system.

The weight affects the attitude of the suspension, which in turn affects the ability to make certain obstacles. Especially on the stock gear.

Plus with ifs it affects ground clearance. But the way i see it, if i get stuck ill have the winch. Im thinkin of getting the smittybilt x20 10k. If im gonna go cheap i might as well go good cheap right?

im one of the few paraphoe mentions doesnt recommend a custom bumper :p: not that im against them

you can put a front hitch on, they usually comes out the opening in the front grill/bumper area, this would save you money, weight and still allow you to run a winch...

My front bumper has cancer pretty bad. The back one forgot what straight looks like. And my hitch... Well it ripped in half so i bolted it together. Needless to say, they won't hold on much longer.


If your gona go custom... Go big. If your gona be a bear, be a grizzly bear. Don't be a honey bear.

Hey, that's my SIG, lol.

Nuf said. Trees beware, blue oval comin through
