Does anyone know how to paint rims? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Does anyone know how to paint rims?

how to paint rims.
with spray paint.
i have my 97 xlt explorer on stocks right now.
the rims are crome but i wanted to paint them black for a
little bit of a more custom look.
if anyone has done it before and knows how to paint them so it turns out
looking good let me know. thanks

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clean em really good, scuff em, apply paint like a hammercoat..

do i need to remove the tire or can i leave them on and paint?

Its entirely up to you.. You can try to cut around the tire with mask but you might not get good coverage around the bead.


use a good rusteoleom paint i spelled that wrong and dont car use a good primer and then a good paint dont cut any corners i did it to mine with three cans of black and four coats didnt need it just wanted to have good paint coverage message me and ill give you email and send pics but make sure your wheels are not pitted the paint will only turn out good if you prep it good that is the standard for any paint application
