Looking for Brushguard pics | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for Brushguard pics

Gse Brent

Well-Known Member
July 9, 2010
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2001 Explorer Sport Trac
Eventually putting this brushguard on my sport trac but looking for some pics with STs with them already put on. In addition to the brushguard i'd like to put about 4 KC style Daylighters on the brushguard. Just looking for some extra lighting set up pictures.



Something like this but on that style brushguard and on a ST. And thats exactly what i'm looking for.

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are you looking for more of a lightbar? it would be pretty tough getting 4 lights on one of those westin type bull bars. light bars are also cheaper. i would suggest going with one of those if you dont need a bar to actually be nudging stuff over.

I wanted to try and squeeze 4 lights in that bar somewhere. Either all 4 in a row or 2 up top and 2 on the bottom. Or i could even drill the very top and put 2 lights up there and 2 lights in the center.

That's a good looking bull bar. I'd just put two lights on the cross bar. Two 55 watt PIAA 520s have given me plenty of light.

You may want to change your title. It's a little misleading. Here's a picture of my "brushguard", though. :D


I want the best of both worlds to see alot more than normal and to also use it to plow over stuff but not so much plowing over stuff haha.

That's a good looking bull bar. I'd just put two lights on the cross bar. Two 55 watt PIAA 520s have given me plenty of light.

You may want to change your title. It's a little misleading. Here's a picture of my "brushguard", though. :D


I originally wanted that setup your running but i thought it would be too much with the roof basket. You know too much attachments? If i wasn't running the roof basket i'd totally go with that setup. I was planning on doing the smaller brushguard with a good amount of lights.

The two PIAAs show a lot more than normal. Everything in front of me pretty much looks like daylight. Of course, out to the sides isn't helped all that much. Two driving lights along with two fogs would be great. I actually have two PIAA 510 fogs but I haven't thought of a way to mount them that would look good.

I just used my brushguard for its intended purpose on Saturday. I was driving around the property just having fun weaving through the trees, climbing over fallen trees and even adding a few of the smaller dead ones to the ground. Had fun and added a few more beauty marks.

I originally wanted that setup your running but i thought it would be too much with the roof basket. You know too much attachments? If i wasn't running the roof basket i'd totally go with that setup. I was planning on doing the smaller brushguard with a good amount of lights.

I agree with you on that one. It'd look like it was on it's way to a full cage, lol. The one you posted above looks awesome. Probably the best looking bull bar I've seen.

i was planning on doing a few lights up on my roof basket, but im waiting to upgrade from my rage roof basket to a thule MoAB basket. i cant wait to get it. its lighter and stronger than my current basket and it'll be easier to slap lights on it.

i was planning on doing a few lights up on my roof basket, but im waiting to upgrade from my rage roof basket to a thule MoAB basket. i cant wait to get it. its lighter and stronger than my current basket and it'll be easier to slap lights on it.

Alright...here it comes. The Thule pimping has begun.:D

Teasing. Great products. Forum discount in the making I hope? eh? yeah? c'mon!

Here's a simple setup for 4 6" lights from this thread:



I personally like the way this Explorer Sport has the lights behind the grill- I may be doing that sometime in the future.



and here's a my setup now,



This is the other Bull Bar Hunter's has... just like the one in the OP but mine has the actual "skid plate" on it. Just letting you know, you will lose tow hooks unless you make some different brackets, and this bar is designed to come out where your tow hooks do, not under your front bumper, so calling those skid bars, and in my case a skid plate, is a little false advertising. Its more for looks... I got the one I did to help protect the painted cladding when driving down the country roads I live on.

Ive had mine for about 6 months now, hasnt chipped or anything yet! Im pleased with it, just need to get some better lights on it but thats almost at the bottom of my to do list

Here's another one I had taken from the ground, so you can see what I mean by its mounting location...

I had a Westin one when I 1st got my Trac and it rusted thru... but it came from under the front bumper as this one comes thru it... if that makes sense



two KC hilite slimlite driving lights and 2 KC wide beams





Here ya go 'Gse Brent'. My Hunter 'super bull bar'. I just installed it a few weeks ago. Lights are coming soon. So far I love it. Looks great, nice price and was easy to install. And as interscope said, be aware it mounts where your tow hooks mount so you will lose your tow hooks.




Here ya go 'Gse Brent'. My Hunter 'super bull bar'. I just installed it a few weeks ago. Lights are coming soon. So far I love it. Looks great, nice price and was easy to install. And as interscope said, be aware it mounts where your tow hooks mount so you will lose your tow hooks.

Wow that looks so good on a sport trac. I'm definitely ordering that one. Its like $105 on ebay.

I love everyones light set ups. I was thinking about trying to cut out some holes in the mirror housing and throw lights in there, jeep style.

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This thread has given resurgence to my quest to find a place for the 510 fogs. I have an idea. Will share when finished if it works. Checking tomorrow. New project!!!!!
