Feb's EF Lottery | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Feb's EF Lottery

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Keep on wheelin John Rock
Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
August 17, 2009
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City, State
York, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Explorer
The theme for the EF lottery is: Sport Fan.

For this month's drawing, submit a pic of anything to do with the sport team or sport which you are a fan. This can range from something on your rig to a coffee mug, cap etc, be creative! Only your imagination limits you! Does not have to be professional, can be college, hometown sports team etc. Any activity that involves competition. (Don't worry if another member posts a pic with the same team which you are a fan, go ahead and post your's, will just find out others have the same interest.)

Ending and drawing date will be Feb. 21st.

Feb. TOTM nominations are going on. Nominate a rig!


Rules have been refined. (this might take a few times)

Rules for EF lottery.

Goal: To encourage members of the Explorer Forum to submit a photo in accordance with the theme and award one member with an one year elite membership.

Only one submission to be entered into the drawing per member. Submission can contain multiable pics. Members are encouraged to post positive feedback about other submissions. Please keep in mind that this not a chat thread.

Special instructions, if any, will be posted at the beginning of each month's theme.

The lottery is also to have fun, so being sarcastic and somewhat of a smart alec in your submission is not only welcomed, but also encouraged. Keep in mind we are a family site.


Announce the theme for the present month, ending date, and drawing date.

Eligibly: All members (except sponsor) are eligible.

Awarding procedure: Primary: utilizing a bingo number roll cage, draw numbers one at a time and assign numbers to submitted photos. After all photos are assigned a number, remove all remaining numbers in cage and reinstall only numbers assigned to photos. Roll cage random number of spins, first number drawn is winner.
Secondary: Using single deck of cards, shuffle, then spread out face down, draw one card at a time and match to photo, after all photos are matched, reshuffle deck, spread out face down, and draw one card at a time until match to photo occurs and thus wins.

Notification of winner is thru PM to winner and Admin.

Can win once per calendar year.

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Go Seagulls!

I mean Seahawks


Edit. Not in for the contest, I'm only in it for the humor. The color combination was chosen by my youngest son on a whim. It is being driven local, as senn in the picture. :)

I couldn't find a picture of my bike with the explorer. But my brothers ranger is in the background lol
For those wondering, I call her Shakira. 2012 KTM 150XC
(dead links)

I found this emblem at work one day. What a coinky-dink! I happen to be a NASCAR enthusiast and Dale and Dale Jr. Fan! I plan on painting it to match my green, black, silver and white theme of my X and affix to corner of lift gate. The Intimidator lives on in our memories!

I don't care for most sports - if it has a ball or a puck I'm not interested. But I do like World Rally Championship racing and radio control cars so here is my submission for the February Lottery.

Pictured on the hood of my Explorer are my Tamiya Lancia Delta, Tamiya Toyota Celica GT-Four, and Nikko Porsche 959. Also pictured is the new boxed Tamiya Mitsubishi Lancer Evo body set that is a future project. The Delta and 959 both have modifications from stock and are run regularly. The Celica I built from a kit and I painted and decaled the body (over 60 decals); it has not been driven yet but will soon be running next to the Lancia in a recreation of Sega Rally 2 which I sunk hundreds of quarters into growing up.


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This seemed like a great contest that everyone could get involved in.

What, no one else wants a free Elite Explorer membership??

east coast guy following a west coast team.


Arizona guy following a Mid West team ;)

Just a little more than a week till drawing, can't win a FREE one year elite membership unless you participate!


2015 NY Giants "Drive for Five".

^ Very cool :D

Definitely a different kind of "Serious Exploration" :D

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