Front rubber brake hose | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front rubber brake hose


August 3, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Providence, RI
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Limited
It's just been one of those days--the quick question is: how on earth do I get the clip holding the front rubber brake hose piece to the top bracket loose? I've disconnected the brake line at the top where it goes through the brakcet where the coil spring sits, but can't get the clip off to remove the hose piece. It's awfully cramped, the best I can do is just get it to spin around.....


If you wanna know why it's "been one of those days"....

I went to replace the brake pads, realized that one of the calipers was sticking. Since I had intended on replacing the front brake hoses at some point in the near future anyway (they are cracking), I figured what the hell, might as well bleed it one time instead of twice and do it all at once.

So, I put it all back together, went and got the parts, came back and realized that the shop had gotten the lug nuts on so tight on the driver side that I couldnt get them off (had gone in for some work a while ago). After nearly rounding off one lug nut, I took it to get the shop to loosen it for me. Came back, got it all taken apart (except for the above problem) and then the heavens opened up and I got drenched....

Anyway, it looks like its clearing up, so I guess I can go take another crack at it...


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Ok, I'm an idiot... got the thing off.. it was definitely a weird clip though--

Anyway, got half the stuff done before it got dark, and still got to finsh the passenger side and to bleed them tomorrow... fun fun fun.

Getting the clip off

Would you please tell me how you were able to remove the clip? I spent almost two hours last night just spinning it around and still cannot figure it out.

By the way, the brake hose screws on to the brake line, correct?

Use a pair of 90-degree pliers and remove the hardline first. Adding some PB Blaster and spinning the clip around first will help break up a lot of the corrosion, and make it easier to remove.

So my next step is to "unscrew" the old hardline from the brake line. It did not want to unscrew so I did not force it for fear it would break. After I get that off, the clip should be easy to remove, correct?

Yes, you have to remove the hardline first. The clip goes around the end of the hard line, so it can't be removed with the hardline in place.
Don't be surprised if you break a hardline (or two, or three...). See the other brakeline post on the main page of the stock 91-94 forum, I posted about replacing them in there. Good luck!

Got it ... Thanks. Of course I broke the end of the brake line in the process so it's back to the parts store.

Just replaced the driver side front brake hose this morning. I would have to say getting the clip off was the only tough part, but PB blaster makes everything easier. I tried some groove joint pliers at first and it just kept kinda spinning, which is good cause u wanna loosen up that clip. In the end after trying needle nose, I took a flat head screwdriver and wedged it in the bottom of the clip, and turned the screwdriver sideways to kinda pry open the clip a little. Started pushing up on the clip at the same time and was able to move the clip up. Then took the groove joint pliers from the top (because I have more clip to grab now) and was able to muscle it off finally. Prob spent 15 min just on the clip and went through some latex gloves. I highly recommend spraying all the line connections to the hose with PB the night before, and that clip. Bleeder too. Makes working in that small space so much easier when loosening those connections. Good luck!
