:gasp: Mbrooks 420 buys a CHEVY pickup?!? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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:gasp: Mbrooks 420 buys a CHEVY pickup?!?


High Voltage.
Elite Explorer
February 2, 2002
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Mountaineer AWD
:gasp: Mbrooks 420 buys a project CHEVY pickup?!?

Yeah, that's right it has happened. I have purchased a project, and it just happens to be a Chevy Pickup.

It's got a very solid body, and is in need of an entire interior overhaul. The antique white and the gold pintstipes and wheels are original. That will soon change. I can't be driving a white El Camino around. I'm haven't decided on the color yet, but am leaning towards the Hugger and black hood stripes. I need to find a set of sport buckets and get rid of the 72 lincoln bench that is in there now :rolleyes: It'll probably be a long process, but this'll be a chevy I will likely have a long time.

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A 383 is a possibility. :) Right now it needs headers and bigger pipes. It's currently got a 70 Corvette 350. I need to figure out what trans it has, but haven't had much experiance with older Gm stuff. :confused: I guess Powerglides and th350's were stock, anyone know how I could tell the difference? The original door jam sticker is MIA.

The motor has an Edelbrock carb, and an aluminum intake, but those may have been stock items on the Corvette. The only thing I know that isn't factory on the motor is the Mickey Thompson valve covers. :)

nice project. It probably has a turb350 trans. most small blocks did. The pan should be square with one corner cut off. If it looks more like kidney shaped its a turbo400. I don't know what the powerglide pan looks like. I hope this helps.

Looks good. From the pics the body looks to be decent. '72 correct? Suprising it has aircon!

The body has a few surface bubbles, but no rot. Both quarters have been replaced at one time. Both the El Camino had factory air, as did the Vette. I just need to get a belt on it to confirm that it is defunct :)

Nice elky. :)

If you could post a pic of the pan you tell what tranny you have but im 99% sure its a TH350.

The eddie carb and intake were not factory. The eddie carb was never factory on anything. Its really just a re-badged Carter, which was factory on a lot of cars. Port the heads on that sucker and slap a 400 crank in it and call it a day. ;)

I ordered a set of chrome headers to replace the factory cast crap. I need to save up for a set of Flowmasters. Any idea on what size pipe I should use? Right now they are 1.75 which looks too small. I had guessed 2.25, but it isn't a very educated one :)

2.25" or 2.5" duals would be great. Id go 2.5" if you plan on stroking it.

Duals are a definate. A stroker or anything serious would be a few years down the road. A cam will likely go in this winter. Anyone have any experience with the Flowmaster Hushpowers?

get 2.5 duals it will sound louder/better, awesome project! what brand headers did you buy?

Chrome Summit racing. They might get replaced down the road when I get the full stainless/flowmaster setup.

At work we have a Chevelle with a Japser 383 Stroker motor in it and it has 3" exhaust and that thing sounds absolutely nasty. I would go with 3" if you are going with that stroker, but if your just putting a cam and stuff, then just 2.5 is fine. Good luck on the build


The stroker would be a few years down the road, and i would just upgrade the piping then. The 350 that is in there will likely get an overhaul this winter using all the upgraded internals I can afford. :)
