Good News About AirDams | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Good News About AirDams


A Man Without Wheels
December 9, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer (R.I.P.)
I have talked to Dave V. at Explorer Express and they have finally found someone to continue making the AirDams we like so much for the Explorers. The first ones that will be made will be for the 99-01 models. Then the 98 down models. They are due out late March, early April.

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I also wonder if there will be a price difference

aldive said:
Yeah, but what year? :)

Me of little faith ....
LOL, I didn't ask that. I guess I just assumed it would be 2005. ROFL

What's the difference in the hood of 99-01 from the other 2nd gens?

BBQ_HotDogs said:
I have talked to Dave V. at Explorer Express and they have finally found someone to continue making the AirDams we like so much for the Explorers. The first ones that will be made will be for the 99-01 models. Then the 98 down models. They are due out late March, early April.

briwayjones said:
What's the difference in the hood of 99-01 from the other 2nd gens?

The hood has nothing to do with the air dam.


  • airdam side.jpg
    airdam side.jpg
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Yay! I may actually get one, in a few years that is :rolleyes: Hope they actually hold to their word and start producing them.

Well this is good news. Now I won't be so worried about crashing. :D

Todd- Are you planning on lowering?

Since I have a 2.5gen X, what year should I get? Would 01 fit?

Interstate said:
Since I have a 2.5gen X, what year should I get? Would 01 fit?

You would need the ones for the 01+ sports and Sport Tracs. I doubt they have any around now, but they did make them for a while.

I do believe the 99-01s will work on the '01+ Sports.

Not 100% sure if I'm going to lower. If I do, it won't be anything extreme.
