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Goodbye Explorer

Well, lets see. I didn't go with the Toyota Corolla because the response time on the gas and brake peddles sucked. When I pressed on it, it took a sec before anything actually happened. I tried the Honda Civic and hated the digital gages. I felt a little squished in the civic too. I was most comfortable with the Elantra so I went with it.

That's because Toyota in it's infinite wisdom decided to use a digital throttle setup of some kind. There is lag in it that is not adjustable.

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Please don't make me come to the defense of roast beef....Hello....Arbys.

And just for the record I myself am a true blue blood. Had Fords all my life and I always will. That doesn;t mean I downgrade what others drive......You put a wing and a fart can on that Hundai then I might:D

You're all f****d in the head. Turkey is the best. F*** both Ham AND Roast Beef.

Mama Cass would still be alive it is wasn't for Ham.


You're all f****d in the head. Turkey is the best. F*** both Ham AND Roast Beef.

Mama Cass would still be alive it is wasn't for Ham.:D

I use to think you were pretty cool Joe.......after said comments were mad I have taken you off my Christmas mailing list.

Back on topic tell us how you like the car once you get some miles on it.

i happen to disagree (respectfully) to those of you that say hyundai has terrible build quality, they are nothing be great to me!
my dad bought a sonata in 06, it was one year old then with about 13000 miles. it only cost about $14,000 too. since then he has had the oil and filter changed, tires rotated and as far as i know, thats it. it has never had one single mechanical problem since hes got it. almost 3 years now, and literally NO problems - brakes electrical steering anything else, nothing.

they seem like great cars to me, and i am considering getting one, especially since the V6 sonata is pretty quick, catches tire spin from a stop pretty easy. i love it and i think the elentra was a gereat choice!

I use to think you were pretty cool Joe.......after said comments were mad I have taken you off my Christmas mailing list.

You're still not getting my sig line back...


so when people say Hyundai's suck, and their crash ratings suck does that mean that they haven't been paying attention to the car industry in the last decade or what?

good choice on a car for being young and going to college, as those cars are good cheap reliable transportation

ok my 2 cents...... my first car was a '76 mailbu classic ( w/landou top) back in 1985 but my first real new first car was a 1988 beretta gt 5 spd. so for someone this young getting a new car ...thats great ...i'm sure if you take car of it will give you many years . but ,

like with my first car ( my malibu ) i traded it on the beretta and since that day i wished i had not ( really missed the malibu in a lot of ways) .

btw: after i traded and had my new car for a month ,my parents were driveing to florida and saw my old car at a gas station getting filled up by 2 teenagers :rolleyes: WHAT ARE THE ODDS IN THAT !?! lol

Guys remember if you want to sell your items on EF you must be an Elite Explorer.
