Help, stuck in 4x4 Low, PLease Help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help, stuck in 4x4 Low, PLease Help!


Active Member
January 31, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
San Antonio, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 xlt 4x4
Hello Everyone, I haven't been around in a while and I need some advice. I was driving in 4x4 low today, and now, I can't get my truck out of 4x4 low. When I go to neutral, and turn my switch, you hear nothing. You used to hear the front hubs engaging. Now, nothing. The 4x4 high and low lights flash, the od light flashes. I tried everything I know. Is this the electric motor going out on the transfer case? Folks, I really need your help. All advice is truly appreciated

Stacy aka Keach

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It sounds like your shift motor is going, you can take it off and clean it though. there are instructions on the board on how to clean it. Good luck.

You may be able to break it free by going under the truck with a light weighted tool and just tapping on the shift motor. I haven't had a problem with my 97, although on my old 92 I would have the same problem. All I Did was just tap the shift motor while someone was operating the switch and she would start working again. It is just because the contacts inside the motor are getting corroded and not making a connection.


mine does that a lot. if i reach under and move the wires a little it will usually switch off (or on depending). i think i just have a small short somewhere in the wires. give that shot.

edit: ok i missed the part about the lights flashing. disregard my post.

Originally posted by Keach
You used to hear the front hubs engaging. Now, nothing.
You have no hubs in the front by the way.

My sisters 99 did this one time...kinda sucked, had to get it towed to the dealer cuz I don't know jack about 2 Gens.:( I think she ended up having to replace the shift motor, wasn't cheap either

Have you tried switching it out aqnd driving in reverse for a while?
