Solved - HID Projector Pics | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved HID Projector Pics

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I've got a few pics of my new HID Projectors so far. The camera takes away lots of light as it focuses, so you wouldn't believe what these look like in person. I have a couple low-beam and high-beam pics. I'm VERY happy with these so far!


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wow those lights are much total was the whole buildup??


Thanks. Total build-up was almost $600. This entailed retrofit, new headlamps, projectors, and HID kit.

Does it look any different than the factory lights? Would someone walking by your truck in the day time be able to know that you have aftermarket lights?

If they looked real closely they could tell. The inside of the lens is painted black as not to shoot light all over, so that's visible. The projector is hard to see because of the rippled lens.

huskyfan23 said:
If they looked real closely they could tell. The inside of the lens is painted black as not to shoot light all over, so that's visible. The projector is hard to see because of the rippled lens.

Do you suppose there might be a way to get a clear, unrippled lens? Or perhaps making some kind of custom thing painted the same color as the truck, so just the projector is showing?

I really like the look of the new Grand Cherokees for example, with the clear lens and projector looking things. I think it'd look better on something with a rounded front, but it could work for a gen1 Explorer...

Sure it's possible. The only thing not painted black is the lens. I suppose you could stencil where the projector will show and also paint around that. I don't want the projectors to be that noticeable because the ease and popularity of them being stolen. You can sand down the ripples in the lenses, or buy the new diamond lenses (for $180 :rolleyes: ). I would've bought the diamonds but they came out a few weeks after I sent my other lamps to get retrofitted. The guy said I could send them back with the diamonds and he would swap the lenses, but I'm happy with them just how they are.

You should change the lens or at least polish it smooth to get rid of the "ripples". Projector shoots light in a predesigned pattern. On your truck that pattern is being screwed-up by the "ripples". They alter the outcoming light pattern.

This gives me an idea of how to redo the headlights on my truck - although I might still need hi-beams.... wait, I can use driving lights for that...

Next project I guess.

I was planning on using the diamond clear lenses, but I don't want a clean cutoff. The ripples don't really affect the lighting too much, just ruins the cutoff. And these are bi-xenon, so highs and lows.

the cut-off is what makes it unique... set-up of a projector within a regular headlight does not make sense.

are those hi-beams in your pictures?

Dre said:
the cut-off is what makes it unique... set-up of a projector within a regular headlight does not make sense.

are those hi-beams in your pictures?
Yes, the second picture is high. Why doesn't it make sense? I get better light output. The cut-off is just a decoration for the ricers. I'd rather have my light spread.

I have HID projectors in the Cad. (oem) Because of the sharp cut off I felt I had to get better fog lights to spread some more light around. Its dark above the cutoff.
IMO I get more of an area lighted w/the Mounty lights than I do w/Cad. HID. The area lighted by the HID is brighter, theres just not enough of it. So I can understand why the fluted lenses would be of benefit.

The cut-off is there so you don't blind oncoming traffic and to concentrate most of the light output where you need it most... on the road and right shoulder. BTW - entire world drives with lights this way ever since I can remember. US is different and I think that generally because we usually use well lid roads.

I just don't get it why you like it better when your headlights light-up the entire world instead of concentrating and shining where they should?

And BTW - ligts with a distinctive cut-off are not for ricers - as I mentioned, the entire world uses them... except US...

where did you get the ricers from? As far as I know they install those super bright bulbs and run on high-beams to make their lights look like HIDs... no cut-off there.

People normally use the cut-off as a decoration, saying they like the way it looks and stuff. My lights are aimed properly, don't blind anybody, and light the road better than they would with a cut-off.

I have not seen an OEM lighting system that can not be improved. HID projectors included. We each tailor our systems to our taste &/or needs & wants.
HID projectors dont do as good a jod at dispursing light as do the reflector type housings. They do a good job of concentrating light. Only problem arrises when the concentration isnt where you want it to be.
Must be you dont have that problem with your projectors.

Exactly. The guy that aimed them said he was amazed how well they lit with the rippled lenses, and I don't have light shooting every which-way like I would with just an HID kit and stock lenses.

There is always room for improvement... just look at what we do with our trucks to make them better. If they came perfect out of the factory than what would be left for us?

As for the lights? I'm kind of kicking around the idea of installing the projectors inside the headlights just like you did... although I was also considering replacing them with Euro-spec headlights (not Euro-look). I was surprised with the amount of light I was getting driving an original European version of an Explorer... they use different housings alltogether... but that's another story.

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Aren't the Euro-housings glass? There are also ECE Euro-spec projectors too, I think the lenses are just flipped. Anyways, you'd be amazed at the difference the HID projectors make over halogen.
