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May 3, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Tulsa, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Sport Trac 4x4
I have ordered my 3in body lift kit from performance accessories and its on the way. But i cant find anywhere that has these damn shackles!!! I called JCWhitney and they said they are out and gotta special order them for over 120$$$ they are 35$ shackles for crying out loud!!!! Desert Rat has the worst Phone system, NOONE answers, they hold time is 15min just to auto hang up on you. Im going to try them tomorrow but if they dont answer im going to be pissed... Anyone know of where i can get shackles for a 02 sport trac online??? for under 50$???



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Call 4wheelparts. Thats where I got mine from.

(800) 421-1050

EDIT: The part number is WAR-153

DesertRat's got them too, Call them at 1-866-444-5337 for the same part #

You could try Tellico4x4.com. I didn't get mine there but have seen them there. Also Quadratec.com. It's a jeep site but have seen them there also.

Go to warriorproducts.com and call them. They will find the nearest dealers to you and give you their phone numbers. Who knows, maybe someone near you has them in stock. If not, 4wheelparts is probably your best bet. They will match the lowest price you find. And your probably not going to find them for under $50. It will be about $50-60 shipped.

Call the Plano store of 4Wheel Parts Wholesalers and ask for Nick. Tell him that you are a member of this board and ask if you can still get the 10% discount off purchases because you are a member of this board.

I ordered tires and wheels and shackles from him last month and got the discount. He was very helpful and fixed a mistake in my order very quickly (they forgot to send the center caps for the rear wheels).

Nick is a good guy and will help you to get what you need. The part number, as was said before, is WAR153, double check with Nick though to make sure.

Here is the link to the thread with his contact number: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=73210&highlight=four+wheel+parts


Damn, I wish I knew they gave a discount, I ordered 5 wheels and 35" tires + a Hi Lift jack from them, 10% would have helped out quite a bit

just adding to the subject......when i had my shackles i got them from tellico4x4.com and they were like $72 shipped so 4wheelparts will probably be your best place to buy.....few days ago they had free shipping.....but dont tney always have that going on a lot? good place to purchase stuff if you can find it there

4wheelparts.com always has free shipping from what I can see, but they always say it's going to expire in a few days to get you to rush your purchase. Once the few days is up it gets pushed back another few days.

Thanks guys

I finnally got a hold of Desert Rat, they just put the order in, they cost me 63.99 with shipping, i think the price on em have gone up, but i just wanted to get this ordering headache over with. Tired of getting referred to all these other places... Ill try that nick guy if i need some other parts, which i will here in a bit, im n the process of putting this Car in my name and its costing tons of money... Growing up sucks, gotta do all this old people stuff, you know the stuff parents usually took care of!!!

Anyway, thanks for the help guys... Ill post before and after pics of the installation...

