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how do you fix this?

This is the corrosion on clear coated wheel.



  • wheel corrosion sm.JPG
    wheel corrosion sm.JPG
    41 KB · Views: 1,044

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It looks to me like they would have to be sanded and recleared.

Id just tackle them, and sand them, and paint them, it would look great...what color/year explorer you got?

the problem is : after sanding the white spots the aluminum become darker than the rest . even after the clear is applied.

Id just tackle them, and sand them, and paint them, it would look great...what color/year explorer you got?

99 Dark toreador red , the wheels are the 10 slots/holes style

I meant like sanding the whole thing, the whole wheel...not the back of it or anything unless you wanted to...

look for a "wheel Worx" shop in your area.

Not to hijack a thread, ...but I'm hijacking for just a minute. I've been looking for a good solution to a similar issue. 01 ST with the 5 spoke wheels. The clear has been knocked off right at the rim where some a-hole hammered on balancing weights. It's been there since I owned it but now it's growing. Any advice on what I could use to re-seal the area after removing the corrosion. I know it won't look perfect, but right now the spots are black with corrosion, so any improvement.... Any way to seal it, or a recomended clear to apply would be helpful.

If they did that to my rims at a shop...even though theyre stock id be raising all hell until I got a new one, or a nice check to cover the damage ;)

If they did that to my rims at a shop...even though theyre stock id be raising all hell until I got a new one, or a nice check to cover the damage ;)

raising hell never gets any one any where. Show professional respect and courtacy and you will get much more in return.

Hmmmm our places of buisness must be very different.
They'll play stupid even if you watched them f-something up
like they didnt do it.

They were already dinged up when I got the truck in '07 and now it's spreading. Just looking to stop it. If I had owned it when it happened I would have definitely brought it to their attention. Monmix is right on. The minute you start acting like a jerk they will tune you out. So, any ideas on a way to seal these back up?

Im not sayin act like a psycho jerk, im just sayin get your mind spoken.

But I was at autozone, or meijers, (cant remember! lmao) and I saw a wheel clearcoat, and on the front it said like "repair worn/cracked/fading clearcoats on your wheels" and it had pics just exactly like jsaid has

OK, the problem here is a polished surface with a clear--
if you sand it off you will scratch the polished surface.

Get a few cans of " Aircraft remover" from walmart. Spray it on good and thick, and let it set a while. The clear will come off like a layer of laytex.

when I first got my mounty back in 2000 I was living in NY ... that salt capital of the world!!

Anyhow ... I had the wheel weight issue and corrosion ... I used a dremel polishing tip with some compound then just sealed the area with duplicolor clear coat touch up paint ... the one with the brush not spray on ... I wet sanded it and polished to blend it

Didn't look perfect up super close but from 3 feet away you couldn't tell and it lasted for the 2 years I had the wheels before sold them for after markets
