How I tightened up my emergency brake cable | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How I tightened up my emergency brake cable


Elite Ranger
Staff member
Elite Explorer
July 14, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Omao, Kauai
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger XLT 4X4
Well, I didn't do it, it's my mechanic friend's idea. I don't know if it's original or not, but I thought I'd share in case anyone else wants to do it.

I always heard you could not adjust the e-brake cable after it eventually stretches, so for years I've lived with an E-brake that barely holds, even after jamming it down to the last click. His fix was so simple it floored me, AND it works great! I have strong grip at mid-pedal, so happy. :D
A simple J-hook pulls the slack out, and the cable can easily slide through it.

This is on my 93 Ranger, but would apply to all 1st Gens.


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Where do you get the J-hooks? Mine is so stretched it droops. I had another idea for fixing the slack. Cutting the cable, cutting out some of the slack and installing a small turnbuckle. That way it's adjustable.

or replace with a pully or a derlin puck thingamajig

Genius! I'm pretty sure that is why my e-brake is bad. I can't really adjust my shoes in any tighter because I couldn't get my rotor off as it was.

Briway, it looks like he found a scrap piece of metal and bent it and bolted it to the frame. Nothing fancy.
RR, yeah, grease it, that's a good point.
Codepoet, that's a better idea! I can picture a small pulley instead , pulling it over. I'll look around Home depot!
