Indexing Spark Plugs on 5.0L? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Indexing Spark Plugs on 5.0L?


Well-Known Member
April 1, 2005
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Southern California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 EB 5.0L (R.I.P)

I'm going to be doing a tune-up tomorrow, and I figured I'd index my sparkplugs just for the hell of it.

As far as I can tell, the best place for the spark plug to be "facing" is upward toward the valves, and preferably toward the exhaust valve.

On the GT40-P heads, the spark plug is already more or less "aimed" at the exhaust valve, so should I index it so that my spark plug electrode is just facing "up" toward the valve springs, or perhaps up, and at a slight angle toward the exhaust valve?

Any recommendations?


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Thanks again jtsmith. You seem to be stalking my posts and clearing things up for me!

It seemed to make more sense to point it at the intake valve, but in the one place I'd read directions on indexing, it said exhaust, glad to hear you confirm my suspicion.

Just finished installing indexed plugs, and wires. Much smoother now!

what wires did you run? Which plugs?

cherrybomb said:
Thanks again jtsmith. You seem to be stalking my posts and clearing things up for me!

It seemed to make more sense to point it at the intake valve, but in the one place I'd read directions on indexing, it said exhaust, glad to hear you confirm my suspicion.

Just finished installing indexed plugs, and wires. Much smoother now!

The thing is it's a variable with each different engine. You can expect maybe 1 HP from this.

Ideally you should also pick up some gas mileage. Let us know.

So at about 2pm today I plan to turn my spark plugs towards the intake valve :)

sorry Im in a mood

is that 2 o clock sitting on the ground or 2 o clock laying on top of the engine upside down?

2:02:30 it is then or 1402:30 hours for you military types, wait is 1402 in the same lcoation on a 24 hour dial?

This is all very confusing but I am going to try it!
I wish you would have told me this when I just did my plug wires.....geesh

Oh and you guys with Bosch +4's dont bother indexing anything mmmmm k?

410Fortune said:
is that 2 o clock sitting on the ground or 2 o clock laying on top of the engine upside down?
From where the captain sits...

410Fortune said:
what wires did you run? Which plugs?

Ran Taylor Thundervolt 8.2mm wires, in blue. :) And NGK-V spark plugs based on a few recommendations here. Gapped at .055 since that's the way they all came out of the box, and I didn't feel like changing the gap. ;-)

Jakee said:
The thing is it's a variable with each different engine. You can expect maybe 1 HP from this.

Yeah, wasn't expecting huge gains in power or anything, but for the few extra minutes, it can't hurt... Right? ;-)

aldive said:
Ideally you should also pick up some gas mileage. Let us know.

Yeah Al, I'm expecting a boost in mileage, though, I don't think it will be strictly from the indexing. From the looks of the plugs, they'd never been removed, and the wires were probably original as well. I can't provide a good guage of what improvement the indexing would do alone, but I'll certainly report on my total improvement from the tune-up, and indexing. :)

Indexing your plugs, will get you nothing on your engine, total waste of time and effort, JMO

Its aufully hard to index plugs today in these cramped in motors. We have been doing that for years and years. Did it help? It was so small of a improvement that i never found out if it helped out or not.

aldive said:
Have you tested it?
of course I did Al.
Got me .0056 H.P. Dyno proven.
As for increased gas mileage, not a clue, don't care :D

Why can't you queitly let someone "waste" their time.
You sure waste a lot, I don't complain

This comes to mind


  • MVC-036S.JPG
    46.4 KB · Views: 244

jtsmith said:
Why can't you queitly let someone "waste" their time.
You sure waste a lot, I don't complain

This comes to mind
That, my friend is a very usefull device :D Has hundreds of applications

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wtf is that thing?
