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Introducing Midnight our 2020 ST

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Are you planning on driving up there?? ;)


It looks like navigation is telling him to turn left in 13 miles. Not sure I would trust it. :oops:

I forgot to mention that a rock took out our windshield on our way home yesterday :(

Not sure if you noticed but there is a leg sticking out of the back hatch----

Random leg I picked up on the side of the road. 🤣

I forgot to mention that a rock took out our windshield on our way home yesterday :(View attachment 327855
My wife's just cracked today too so don't feel bad. Nothing like a new windshield after 30,000 miles of little pitting everywhere.

7 months later and the car has never been in the rain. Today I gave it it's first "wash" in the garage using nothing more than Meguiars detailing spray and microfiber cloths. The white paint is perfect for our dusty, dirt road. It only looks dirty from 10 feet or closer :thumbsup:

7500 miles, and still no issues.:chug:

7 months later and the car has never been in the rain. Today I gave it it's first "wash" in the garage using nothing more than Meguiars detailing spray and microfiber cloths. The white paint is perfect for our dusty, dirt road. It only looks dirty from 10 feet or closer :thumbsup:

7500 miles, and still no issues.:chug:

I'm in Florida, mine gets rained on daily :) . 2800 miles, no problems so far.


Well, I did it. I brought rain to the desert. Seriously... It hadn't rained in MONTHS. Washed the car yesterday and it poured on the car today. :(

Just remember you also said, "7500 miles, and still no issues.:chug:".


One year and four days old and still lovin' it :burnout:

It's never been back to the dealership for any issues, but it does need to go in for a recall of the rear facing camera. There isn't a hurry since the issue has never occurred on this vehicle.

One year and four days old and still lovin' it :burnout:

It's never been back to the dealership for any issues, but it does need to go in for a recall of the rear facing camera. There isn't a hurry since the issue has never occurred on this vehicle.
She loves the warm air so everything is functioning as it should. Take it to Flagstaff see if she is temperamental at all. ;)

She loves the warm air so everything is functioning as it should. Take it to Flagstaff see if she is temperamental at all. ;)

It's already been up to the cold country a few times. Nothing to report:dunno:

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Over two years and 32,000 miles... Still lovin' it! This had really been a great vehicle for us.

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