long radius arms | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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long radius arms


August 15, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Downers Grove
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 explorer xlt
looking to get longer radius arms for my 94 explorer and couldnt find any on skyjacker or the duff lifts website (forgot the name) where can i find some for a decent price or how can i make my own?

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I don't think they get sold separately, only with the whole kit. Do you already have a lift with stock arms?

I stand corrected, but omg that price!!

That price made me blind, and is more than what I paid for the explorer. I've got skyjacker 4 or 5" lift coil springs up front and an add a leaf in the rear, looking to add shackles to the rear as I am not satisfied with the height. I guess I'll just build my own long arms, a lot cheaper and if they break I can build them again :thumbsup:

Are you making drop brackets too? That would be neat to make your own arms.

I was thinking about it. I need to get a new motor before I build anything, took it diving and it didn't work out too well. When I do make everything I will take pictures and my a thread on it.
