Looking at buying 2002 Exp. Eddie Bauer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking at buying 2002 Exp. Eddie Bauer


New Member
July 19, 2010
Reaction score

Claims to have had only 2 owners (I'd be #3).
Asking $5500 obo.*

I have a buddy who's more mechanically inclined than I who will come and take a look at it, but he suggested I come here and see if you all have any sort of feedback.
Know of any potential pitfalls? Problems? Things to pay close attention to?

Just want to go into this with eyes wide open.

*is $5500 too pricey?

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I just purchased a 2002 XLS v6 for $5200 w/88k miles. So far, it's needed all four wheel hubs, brakes front and rear, and front upper ball joints. I went ahead and replaced the front lower ball joints while I had it apart. The rear differential is make a lot of noise. Sounds like bad bearings. The transmission seems iffy. I don't think the v8's had the same transmission problems, but I'd definitely check out all the wheel hubs and the rear differential for noise. You'll definitely be able to hear them when driving, but it may be difficult to tell exactly where the noise is coming from. I knew my truck needed a front hub, but it was making enough noise and vibration that I couldn't tell it needed the other three until that one had been fixed.

absolutley get a car fax, before you buy... it worth it...

my personal opinion... I wouldnt buy an 02, only because i will not buy the first model year of any vehicle. I have read that quite a few 02's have bad transmission problems...

I doubt that the explorer is gonna sell fast, because not many people are looking for V8 SUV's. so i would take the time to search some more, and find a 03 production or later...

Just like Caldwell said get a carfax, because more than likely it will provide more information then what you are being told and see if it has mechanical records to see if the common stuff has been fixed but generally you're better off staying away from the 02's because of issues that arise with this year.

Knowing what I do now after owning a 2004 E.B. V8 4x4, I would keep looking. I'm so deep in mine,I'm just gonna give it to my daughter. It will never even come close to brining enough money compared to repairs over the last 2 years. It as of today only has 110,000 miles. Get a full sized Ford!!

i would never buy an 02, ontop of everything mentions they have alot of electrical problems

absolutley get a car fax, before you buy... it worth it...

my personal opinion... I wouldnt buy an 02, only because i will not buy the first model year of any vehicle. I have read that quite a few 02's have bad transmission problems...

I doubt that the explorer is gonna sell fast, because not many people are looking for V8 SUV's. so i would take the time to search some more, and find a 03 production or later...

The 3rd gen explorers started in 2001. I have a 2002 with 92k miles, had it almost 4 years with no problems whatsoever. I know a guy that had a 2001 XLS 4.0 and he had LOTS of problems.

The 3rd gen explorers started in 2001. I have a 2002 with 92k miles, had it almost 4 years with no problems whatsoever. I know a guy that had a 2001 XLS 4.0 and he had LOTS of problems.

3rd gen 2002-05. '02 have been plagued by several problems which were resolved in later model years.

OP, I would avoid '02 (in fact, I did) unless is was a super great price (not $5500) and you don't mind spending some weekends working on it.

As someone else said... I'm in it ankles deep.... so it would be stupid for me to get rid of my 2002 EB 4x4.

With that said I am going to tell you that this truck has been the biggest piece of crap I have ever owned. I have owned a lot of Ford trucks. I will fix something, go about 5,000 miles, then something else will break. This truck has brought a new meaning to "nickle and Dime you to death"!


Sorry for being so negative.... but the truth hurts sometimes.:thumbdwn:

I have an 02 Eddie Bauer with the V8. I bought it a little over a year ago. It is currently for sale. Looking at it, it looks like a real nice truck. It only has 65,000 miles on it. But the transmission lags, the rear end howls on the highway, and I have a couple of other issues with it. I'd avoid it if I were you. Look at the wire harness that runs underneath the oil pan. That was my latest issue. It chaffs on the oil filter drip tray thing and cuts into the air conditioning compressor wire. Next, it cuts into the starter wire. Good times. Mine handles the snow and icy roads in Alaska like a champ. But I'm tired of dealing with all of the other silly issues.
