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Lowered the Sport for Free today! DIY


Active Member
October 12, 2008
City, State
Clarksville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Bullitt
This is a basic DIY to lower your truck at no cost. Cutting springs has been a technique used for years and I'm not here to argue the good or bad in it. This is for the guys who don't wanna spend 250 to 300 bucks on springs to do the same thing.

Tools needed

15mm socket
18mm socket
19mm socket
21mm socket
24mm socket
Breaker bar
Pry bar
Strut spring compressor
Cut off Wheel
Jack stands


1. Loosen the Lug nuts with a 19mm socket. Jack up the front of your Explorer, place it on jack stands and remove the lug nuts with a 19mm socket.
2. Remove the Sway bar nut with a 21mm socket and impact wrench (easy way) or 21mm wrench and 10mm socket(hard way)
3. Use your jack to raise the control arm enough for the sway bar end link to easily come out, push it over to the side
4. Grab your 24mm socket or 15/16 and a breaker bar to remove the spring/strut nuts. The bolt is splined so no need to hold the bolt side.
5. Take your Mallet and tap the bolts out, don’t worry you won’t break anything.
6. Either cut or pop out the sensor cable that is zip tied to the strut, do not cut the actual cable!
7. Remove the 4 15mm nuts from the top of the strut in the engine bay, the strut should still be support by the spindle.
8. Lower the jack, and push down on the spindle to get the strut free.
9. Compress the spring with the spring compressor, rented from your local parts store.
10. I used a 21mm socket and impact gun to remove the nut. If you have to do it the hard way you can use a socket and a 10mm socket and extension inside of each other.
11. Cut the spring 1.25 coils from the bottom. Less if you want less of a drop.
12. Trim the bump stop, just pull it out from the accordion tube.
13. Reassemble. The spring will be a bit tricky until you get tension on it. I placed the cut end towards the back of the vehicle. Don’t forget to place the arrow pointing forward on the top of the strut.


1. Loosen the rear lug nuts with a 19mm socket, raise the rear, place on jack stands and remove the wheel.
2. Remove the small 6 inch sway bar end link with a 15mm socket and impact gun or a crescent wrench and 15mm socket. Raise the control arm with your jack to relieve tension and remove the end link. Now remove the other side, it should be loose, and rotate the sway bar down.
3. Grab your 18mm socket and remove the shock bolt.
4. Use a 21mm socket to remove the bolt holding the lower control arm to the spindle. You will need to use a crescent wrench to hold the cut in place as you turn it.
5. With a jack still supporting the control arm, slowly lower it removing all tension from the spring. Remove the jack, push down on the control arm and remove the spring.
6. Cut 1.25 coils from the spring and reinstall.
7. Reassemble.
8. Loosen the top spindle bolt and use a pry bar to push the spindle out for additional camber and tighten.

Now go for a test drive, enjoy your new look and know you saved some money with no ill effects! Go get an alignment done as well! FYI I am not liable for any damage you do to your vehicle, this is just for information purposes, so all work on your vehicle at your own risk, thanks!









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Nope, no photoshop here!

Alright here is what I did. Before I start I know that there are some people who will hate this and lose their minds but thats ok, to each there own. What I did was cut the stock sport springs, I removed 1.25 coils from both the front and back. Pretty simple, I'll do a short right up on the original post.

Nicely done and great write up.. I had cut Springs on one of my old cares a couple of years ago.

I'm not an engineer or mechanic do can't really comment one the positive or negative of doing this, but I'm curious to hear what other may think or have to add.

But I have to say the truck looks bad ass!!!


Hahah, expected this type of response from some people! To each their own as stated. Whats funny is I feel the same way when people respond like this, complete lack of knowledge,hahah.

Nicely done and great write up.. I had cut Springs on one of my old cares a couple of years ago.

I'm not an engineer or mechanic do can't really comment one the positive or negative of doing this, but I'm curious to hear what other may think or have to add.

But I have to say the truck looks bad ass!!!

Thanks! So far no ill effects, drives great, no harsh ride at all! I'll give it a little longer just to be sure and decide if I'm gonna keep it this way or not, but so far its a yes!

Did you use a torch or saw to cut? I've red that it's best to use a saw as a torch and affect the spring.

Did you use a torch or saw to cut? I've red that it's best to use a saw as a torch and affect the spring.

I used a cutting wheel, definitely don't wanna use a torch, it will ru in the spring.

Hahah, expected this type of response from some people! To each their own as stated. Whats funny is I feel the same way when people respond like this, complete lack of knowledge,hahah.

The fact that you cut your springs and are quite pompous about there not being any 'ill effects" shows a complete lack of knowledge. But we're not here apparently to debate the good and/or bad. So I'll continue on topic to appease you and other fellow members looking to botch up their new/somewhat new EX Sports.... DUUUUDE! that sick free mod looks so dope! :wtf: Do it right, or don't do it at all. Have fun replacing your stock struts much earlier than anticipated.

Well appearance wise looks good. But don't see why anyone would chop up suspension parts on a 40k + vehicle. There will be effects, whether you believe so or not. your spring rate just went down the toilet.I'm all for free mods, like the bov vta, and license plate bracket plugs for example. But there's just somethings you don't cheap out on, like suspension and brake parts. But happy modding.

Well appearance wise looks good. But don't see why anyone would chop up suspension parts on a 40k + vehicle. There will be effects, whether you believe so or not. your spring rate just went down the toilet.I'm all for free mods, like the bov vta, and license plate bracket plugs for example. But there's just somethings you don't cheap out on, like suspension and brake parts. But happy modding.


In before OP states that you have a complete lack of knowledge.


In before OP states that you have a complete lack of knowledge.

Ltdjp, what experience do you have with this? Yes spring rates change, as with all performance suspensions, do you think that h&r springs or eibach or any other spring that lowers the vehicle doesn't add wear and tear to the struts? I'd like to know what your basing your info from. I have had ford c spring that had instructions to cut a coil off for height adjustment, most springs have dead coils usually the first 1 to 2 coils. I ran an 07 with cut coils for 6 years and then put sportlines on with no change in ride or performance. I know it gets a bad wrap, but as long as you don't go crazy cutting it's safe, tried and true. My point is if you don't like it that's fine, but don't just post crap just to post it. You wanna spend the money go for it, I'm just putting good info out there that someone may want.

I think it looks great, it will affect warranty but then so would using HR springs or Eibach springs I guess.

Truck looks great. Cutting springs has been done for ever. If someone has a negative comment, back it up with fact. Otherwise I'm guessing you just like to hear yourself. Everyone's a forum tough guy......lol

Cutting springs has always been a flame starter on forums. I've lowered all my cars replacing the springs, never cutting them. From what I know is that the only coil spring that is suitable for cutting is one with tangential end, since the other ones needs full contact with their mounting points. I had a spring snap on my Mercedes and it went straight through the aluminum bracket, just because of this fact.

Cutting springs has always been a flame starter on forums. I've lowered all my cars replacing the springs, never cutting them. From what I know is that the only coil spring that is suitable for cutting is one with tangential end, since the other ones needs full contact with their mounting points. I had a spring snap on my Mercedes and it went straight through the aluminum bracket, just because of this fact.

I agree, it always starts havoc,hahah. I have a nice flame suit though! I agree with the tangential end, thats why in the right up I stated its a little difficult to get the spring seated until the spring is uncompressed, at that point it flattens out and sits in the cup. The spring snapping in your mercedes is tough, that is a lot of force unwinding all at once 200lbs or more depending on the spring, that would punch a hole in anything, regardless of being cut or not.

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Just a quick update. Springs have settled since the job, all around from the ground to the bottom of the fender it is measuring 30.25 inches. Prior to it was 31.5 in the front and 33.5 in the rear. The truck is handling great, no harsh ride, no bouncing at all what so ever. I would say it is a tad stiffer and body roll has been greatly reduced. If I did it again I would have cut 1 coil off the rear instead to give it that slight rake!
