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MFT v3.6.2 is now available

Yes that is where I have been going. It looks like not all owner's have been given access at the same time and it is being released in stages. Strange since I've not encountered this situation before with previous updates.


Hey Peter,
Have you been able to download the latest update yet?
I downloaded it on Aug 12, but this was the first day when I occasionally checked my account and it was already available for download.

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Hello folks.
Upgraded to v3.6.2 few days ago.
So far so good, but the thing is that I haven't had any major issues with MFT since the very first day I own Explorer (Sept 2011), I started with some v2.7 I believe.
What is good that all quadrants on home screen act like a button now, what should've been since the very beginning of MFT era.
Unfortunately, song progress bar which was alive on v2.xx and was removed in v3.xx is still missing. It MUST be there and MUST act like a scroll button too!!!
Still, this latest v3.6.2 doesn't seem to be any faster to me.
Another not good point, that starting with some v3.xx system cannot understand my "Call Home" voice command seamlessly as before, its now returning to me two lines to choose from.
Another thing, that I miss "HD Radio" button on Entertainment screen and I'm curious if there is anyone else like me.


Well, mine has now shown a problem with the navigation after the update. Every so often it shows me off in a field for a second before snapping me back to the correct location. Back to the dealer I go.... :(

Hey Peter,
Have you been able to download the latest update yet?
I downloaded it on Aug 12, but this was the first day when I occasionally checked my account and it was already available for download.
Nothing as of today. I have asked them (IVT) to send it to me on a USB stick.


Could someone who has the files downloaded in the official way from Ford please provide a list of checksums?

I have given up on making the Java downloader work & just grabbed the files another user posted elsewhere on this forum. Would like to verify they are legit before installing.


I couldn't locate a prior discussion on USB drives and type. Is it safe to say that the Sandisk Cruzer 4 gb (or any thumb drive, for that matter) is fine to use for the download/upload install?

And if I have files on it already, should I format the drive?

Thanks for any guidance.


The format of the USB drive needs to be FAT32.

Formatting will erase all contents of the drive.

When complete with MFT update and you test it etc, you can reformat the drive as NTFS to use it for whatever else you like.

Thanks LD.



After the MFT Update is completed in your car is very important to go back to your computer and report back to Sync Support your completed update as per the instructions.

That will help your account and Ford) to date with the current vehicle information for future update notifications.


Can't download the file. When I get to Step two and hit OK, Firefox crashes to Desktop. IE crashes as well.

Anyone else experience this?

Can't download the file. When I get to Step two and hit OK, Firefox crashes to Desktop. IE crashes as well.

Anyone else experience this?

Use Chrome, downloaded flawlessly. I tried IE10 numerous times, no luck.

Use Chrome, downloaded flawlessly. I tried IE10 numerous times, no luck.
Thanks, I but I don't care for Chrome. I don't like how Google software insists on taking over your computer, offering you no flexibility in how you manage files.

Thanks, I but I don't care for Chrome. I don't like how Google software insists on taking over your computer, offering you no flexibility in how you manage files.

are you talking about Chrome Book the OS or the Chrome Browser.. because the Chrome browser is completely unobtrusive. It's a one click install (installs in the user folder, doesn't even touch any of the system folders), and allows you to put downloads wherever you please. Of all the browsers it is the least invasive you could possibly have installed.

Thanks, I but I don't care for Chrome. I don't like how Google software insists on taking over your computer, offering you no flexibility in how you manage files.

Chrome is much better than IE10 anyway

are you talking about Chrome Book the OS or the Chrome Browser.. because the Chrome browser is completely unobtrusive. It's a one click install (installs in the user folder, doesn't even touch any of the system folders), and allows you to put downloads wherever you please. Of all the browsers it is the least invasive you could possibly have installed.

Totally agree. Chrome browser spies less on you than IE10.

I'm about at my wit's end trying to update my MFT w/Nav!

Apparently, Ford's IT team hasn't tried downloading this update on a (in my case) new Mac. I tried it last night, and was faced with a Java not installed problem. So, I downloaded Java and installed it (I'm pretty sure it was already installed, but did it again just to be sure), but got the same problem. This was with Safari.

I then went to my Chrome browser, and was notified that it's a 32-bit application, and that a 64-bit version is needed. This was with the current version of Chrome.

At this point, I gave up and thought I'd download it at work on my Windows 7 PC there. Unfortunately, I initially got Java problems there, too. I then downloaded/installed Java...and tried it again. The Java progress window has been stuck at 38% for over an hour now....the same point it stuck at on my first attempt on my Windows PC.

Frankly, I'm a bit disgusted with Ford on this whole mess. MFT is sluggish...doesn't do everything it's supposed to do reliably, and has caused Ford's quality ratings to plummet in the eyes of more than one company. And so they turn to a Java-based web app to install the update onto a USB drive...and those of us who've been using Macs for a long time know that Java's just not the right delivery method these days...too full of security bugs. (And thus Apple isn't even supporting it anymore).

I guess I'll have to have the dealer install this update, as I don't know how many more hours Ford thinks I'll waste trying to do it myself.

(If anyone has tips on how to accomplish this on a Mac, I'd love to try them).

***End of Rant***

Update: I no sooner finished posting this, and the download had finally completed! Will now take the USB drive home and attempt to install it tonite or tomorrow.

Totally agree. Chrome browser spies less on you than IE10.
Couldn't agree more about IE. FF is my primnary browser, but I use IE on those rare occasions where some idiot website has used IE specific code.

Its not where the downloads go or spyware that I am concerned about. Its also about where temp files, cache files, etc that the program itself uses go. I have an SSD, so I like to have programs that are "file heavy" put those on one of my regular hard disks and not clutter up the limited space on my C: drive.

Their graphics software Picasa is the same way. In order for the program to keep track of all the images in your system, it creates a database on your C: drive. This file can be quite large, so it would be better for me on a drive dedicated to storage. However, the software does not give you the option to move it. When I went on the Google forums to investigate, several people had the same issue. The answer from Google was (essentially): It is what is and we are not going to change it. You users can go pound sand.

So, as a result, I avoid Google produced software. If it works for you, great, but I just don't like that aspect of Google S/W.

... and those of us who've been using Macs for a long time know that Java's just not the right delivery method these days...too full of security bugs. (And thus Apple isn't even supporting it anymore).

I guess I'll have to have the dealer install this update, as I don't know how many more hours Ford thinks I'll waste trying to do it myself.

(If anyone has tips on how to accomplish this on a Mac, I'd love to try them).

***End of Rant***

Ford is hardly the only company using Java. American Airlines, for example - Uses java to keep all its employees connected remotely. HP, Garmin, Dell, Sony, GoDaddy - the list is endless.

The Java thing on the MAC *IS* highly annoying however. Lets not confuse that as a referendum on the applicability or utility of a java applet.

try this. It should help. Apple updated this as it is an ongoing and large headache for mac users. http://www.intego.com/mac-security-blog/apple-safari-now-offers-per-site-java-enabling/

Edit: LAUGH. I see you got it downloaded anyway, so just ignore me. :D

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Couldn't agree more about IE. FF is my primnary browser, but I use IE on those rare occasions where some idiot website has used IE specific code.

Its not where the downloads go or spyware that I am concerned about. Its also about where temp files, cache files, etc that the program itself uses go. I have an SSD, so I like to have programs that are "file heavy" put those on one of my regular hard disks and not clutter up the limited space on my C: drive.

Their graphics software Picasa is the same way. In order for the program to keep track of all the images in your system, it creates a database on your C: drive. This file can be quite large, so it would be better for me on a drive dedicated to storage. However, the software does not give you the option to move it. When I went on the Google forums to investigate, several people had the same issue. The answer from Google was (essentially): It is what is and we are not going to change it. You users can go pound sand.

So, as a result, I avoid Google produced software. If it works for you, great, but I just don't like that aspect of Google S/W.

You could very easily create a soft link to your other drive. Google will write to C:\SomeFolder\SomeFolder and that is linked to D:\SomeFolder\SomeFolder.

For doing soft (symbolic) links.. google (lol) 'mklink windows' ... there's lots of info out there on it. This isn't an issue w/ google software, almost all windows software uses the windows user folder for cache, db's, and other user settings ... it's what the windows user folder is for.

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