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Moab run 2010

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I need route planning help

I need some input. Route 1 is the shortest, route 2 seems to be the flattest. My main concern is Denver to Grand Junction on I70. Ive never been on it and am wondering how bad it is? The tow rig ill be using is a bit on the underpowered side when it comes to long hills and high elevation.

Any thoughts?


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From what I know, the route from Denver is a heck of a hill climb experience. With out a trailer, pushing 4 k rpms barely doing 50 mph on some of the climbs. Pulling over to let the transmission cool down is a must for most. I am definitely taking the southern route. It might be a bit longer, but at least I wont be killing the rig to get there.

From what I know, the route from Denver is a heck of a hill climb experience. With out a trailer, pushing 4 k rpms barely doing 50 mph on some of the climbs. Pulling over to let the transmission cool down is a must for most. I am definitely taking the southern route. It might be a bit longer, but at least I wont be killing the rig to get there.

Thats kinda what i was thinking. Ill probably be using my dad's 6.5TD w/5 spd... on flat ground it pulls like a train but on even the little stuff like the Ouachita's and the Ozark's it turns into a gutless V6. :D I think about 10k ft. passes and i shudder.

Well On the first route you suggest the worst part is from Denver to Vail Colorado, Once you are pass the Eisenhower Tunnel and over the Vail Summit then it a pretty easy drive after that.

Thats kinda what i was thinking. Ill probably be using my dad's 6.5TD w/5 spd... on flat ground it pulls like a train but on even the little stuff like the Ouachita's and the Ozark's it turns into a gutless V6. :D I think about 10k ft. passes and i shudder.

I40 is a pretty good route to Albuquerque, it has been a long time since I have been west of Albuquerque. There are rolling hills but nothing major up to Albuquerque. I pulled with my Silverado and it only has a wussy 4.8 8 banger, but had no problems what so ever. My route will put me on I40 around Sana Rosa.

The second route should be easier. The only portion of that route that I haven't driven is the leg from Cortez, CO to the kink in the road just inside Utah.

Thats kinda what i was thinking. Ill probably be using my dad's 6.5TD w/5 spd... on flat ground it pulls like a train but on even the little stuff like the Ouachita's and the Ozark's it turns into a gutless V6. :D I think about 10k ft. passes and i shudder.

Yeah James, definately take the southern route. It's not as scenic but you will make it all the way to Moab. Hopefully I can make this trip.

Thanks for all the help guys. Looks like route #2 it is. :thumbsup:

Yeah James, definately take the southern route. It's not as scenic but you will make it all the way to Moab. Hopefully I can make this trip.
You can do it! :D If you need a seat (or anyone else for that matter) ill have a rear seat open. :)

Last year I pulled Co via route 1. I was using my 02 PSD with an auto lifted on 35s no regear. Also, the truck only had gauges. I did have a few hills I was pulling at only 53mph but my luck was I'd get stuck behind a semi and not have the gusto to get into the passing lane to pass the semi. I never once had a problem with trans temps or egts. It definately was a gorgeous drive. Id say the drive seems tougher from denver to moab than moab to denver. Maybe worth a shot on the way home to head north.

Edit: This was pulling my YJ and heavy trailer weighing in from 6500-7000lbs

I might be willing to try it on the way home. Thanks for the advice. :thumbsup:

Ive made part of the run before- went to Breckenridge but i was in high school and more concerned with scenery, snow bunnies, and the wonder of how strict Colorado would be selling beer to minors. Never thought someday i might be pulling a trailer over it. :p:

For some reason coming home (going east) from moab seems harder on my rig than going (west). I take the 70 route Denver to Vail tis a PIA and is hard on your rig. I just take my time and go slow..

For some reason coming home (going east) from moab seems harder on my rig than going (west). I take the 70 route Denver to Vail tis a PIA and is hard on your rig. I just take my time and go slow..

Hmm.. I felt heading east bound, it was a much more gradual climb up to the passes. Coming into Denver from the mountains, I thought there were alot more decents and I can just let 2nd gear hold on the grades.

Just made our reservations at Canyonlands:chug:

Just made our reservations at Canyonlands:chug:

I thought they did not open untill ten, anyways I got my reservations also at Canyonlands, arriving on Thursday

I thought they did not open untill ten, anyways I got my reservations also at Canyonlands, arriving on Thursday

I left a message yesterday and they called me back today.

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Subscribing. I'm gonna try to make it again this year.
