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My headlights have a dull yellow in them


Mopar Moderator
Moderator Emeritus
January 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Essex Jct Vermont
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 Ram 1500
I have a 1995 Ford Explorer and the headlights have a dull yellowish color in them. If their anyway to clean them? It seems its on the inside of the headlamp.

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Due to age, heat etc... your headlight housing lens have probably yellowed out and seen better days. The plastic gets weathered pretty bad, sometimes gets a little condensation inside, and basically deteriorates.
There is not a lot you can do that will help. I have found it easier to buy new lights.
we used to tackle this problem a whole lot in the Mustang world. There were a couple of common helpful ideas.
Some guys had good luck using scrubbing bubbles cleaner on the outside lense. A good scrubbing with this chemical and a lot of the yellow went away. It never helped mine very much.
A lot of guys would spend time using 400-600 grit wet/dry sandpaper and "polish" their lenses. That worked the best, since a lot of the yellow can be on the outside.
If on the inside.........hummmm? You'll tear up the lenses getting in there.
Anybody else have good luck with this?
Good luck,

I have also heard on the board from someone that rubbing compound works too. It is probably a good thing to use after the sandpaper.

Sometimes people will sandblast the lens. Rubbing compound after would be a good idea.

I use my PC (orbital polisher) along with some SMR on yellow foam on my friend's '92 Camry's headlights and it was a night and day difference!

I used a plastic cleanser on mine. Worked great!



Originally posted by Fhantazm
I used a plastic cleanser on mine. Worked great!

Do you know the specific name of it?

Yea, I had to go look. Its called "Blue Magic". I got it either at Advance, or Auto Zone. Cant remember which.

Cool, I might suggest that stuff for my friends Ex, because the lights are a bit foggy.

Good deal. And that was only after about 4 coats. Its a very grainy substance so it really digs in. Almost like a liquid 600 grit.

wow that looks really nice. I will get right on that and buy some

I might try that, my lens seem to be a bit yellowed. Thanks.

That Blue Magic is impressive!

After getting them clean, polish them with car polish. The polish will protect them somewhat, and retard the yellowing in the future. Someone makes a special polish for plastic lens, but I just use regular car polish......

Yea the Blue Magic is the best i have found. Its actually made to clean things such as motorcycle windshields and such, thus the reason it works so well on the lenses.

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