Naches Pass - Funny Rocks - Moon Rocks after July15 | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Naches Pass - Funny Rocks - Moon Rocks after July15

Whish I would have known you guys were doing that, I ended up going to the Buckly loggers rodeo on Saterday. I almost skiped out to go wheeling at Evens Creek but running over 70 would have been a lot of fun also.

Like Rick said, it was an impromptue thing.

My #1 son (Buddy Dog) past away in my arms Friday night and I couldn't stand to stay home, so I headed for the mountians where he loved to be, and called Rick to see if he was game. (like when is he NOT game to drive in the mountains:rolleyes:)

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More thoughts

OK, this is getting to be a pretty big gathering of EF-RBV's and warrants documentation (read - PICTURES and VIDEO).

So last Saturday, while running part of the trail, I thought about how we can get pic's and vid's without slowing everyone down too much. It's going to be a long day on the trail as it is.

We need to know how many photographers we have that aren't driving.

We need to know how many rigs will have an open seat

We place rigs with open seats in lead and sweep positions and we start with a couple photog's in lead rigs.

The first good photo-op, the first photog jumps out and does the thing and jumps in an open seat rig at the end of the line.

next photo-op, the second photog does the same and so on, and so on.

When we cross a road, the sweep rigs that now have the photog's, move to the front of the line and their original rides move to the sweep positions and we do the leap-frog thing all day.

Will it work?

What/who do we have that fits the above description???

Remember, we have a movie projector for Friday/Saturday night!

I'll even buy a brand new white sheet:D

I have 2 Digital Sony Camcorders, and a couple decent Sony Point and Shoot Digital Cameras.

I will be driving, but my wife is used to taking pictures of me and the cars I'm working on and or playing with...LOL

No empty seats here though..



Does you wife not want to ride shotgun with you on the trails? My wife is going to coming along, with my daughter and her friend. But they are going to be riding along with me..


The trails hurt her lower back, I may just hang out at the camp on Friday then do the rocks on Saturday.
or maybe I should get some new suspension seats:D

I may just hang out at the camp on Friday :D

No way, The Naches pass was your idea to begin with! Maybe you need seats from a Limited ;)

There's two limiteds at pick a part right now. No, the grills are not good.

There's two limiteds at pick a part right now. No, the grills are not good.

What colors, interior and exterior?

What condition, interior and exterior?

how much do they want for seats?

There's a couple 1st Gen Limiteds in the yards here too...Grey int. White Ext...Bumper,. grills, and headlamp trim bad.


Hey Phil, I finally put a CB in the f-350, so what channel would you like to monitor Thurrsday night for my late arival?
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It's on channel 22 now and I don't see a reason to change it.:p:

Here are some pictures of the camp area I was thinking about. There's room for Kevin (without trailer) and my tent trailer plus at least 1 or 2 other campers or tent trailers near the fire ring.

On the path in, there's a nice section on the right where Joe could put his RV (without trailer) and be far enough away from the gathering spot to be quiet (I might fight you for it though);)

Further past the fire ring, there are several spots for tents or folks sleeping in their rigs.

Trailers can be left out where the trail passes by or on the 1913 road.


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Google maps made that clearing look a lot bigger for some reason.

Ken is probably going to have a small motor home as well. Not quite as big as JR's
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It's an old clear cut that the planted trees are starting to grow back in. The trees are less than 20ft tall and the area is a lot bigger than pictured.

There should be room for Ken, if he doesn't want to be by the fire pit (there are several all over the place, that one is used the most), he can park where the trail is. I doubt there will be a lot of traffic on the trail at 11:00 at night :cool:

It does get a little soft in spots further back.


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yah, there really is plenty of room there. More than you get a feeling for in the pictures

how much do they want for seats?

Truck power seats were $25 each last time I bought one.

What colors, interior and exterior?

What condition, interior and exterior?

White/Grey Green/Grey. The white one looks like it tapped a pole. Interiors were decent, but they are getting picked over quick.

I likely wouldn't be able to leave until friday evening. What are you guys planning on running saturday?

Oh, and I'll need real good directions to camp since I'd likely arrive at night fall and have never been in the area before.

A guy I went to school with and his friend Josh will be up at the rocks on Sunday that weekend in his toyota. I found a clip of him being a dumb ass on the rocks a year or two ago... maybe he will find a better line...

Sounds like the gf does "not" want to go so I should have an open seat or two. Were still fighting some problems with the Bronco 2 my friend has but I think we will have it ready before the trip. Chris is finishing his tube doors on the ranger and trying to get his dual t case setup in before the trip but we will see what happens.

DWD, did you end up replacing the inner axle seals on Kens 44 when you replaced the shafts? I have two inner axle seals I found when I was claening out my shop if he wants them, I can barow a diff spreader if you guys want to try and install them.

We got the seals replaced already Ken's, but I will take those seals off your hands if your looking to get rid of them. The d44 is a tight fit, but the diff spreader isn't needed, pry bars and dead blow hammers work just fine :)
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Truck power seats were $25 each last time I bought one.

White/Grey Green/Grey. The white one looks like it tapped a pole. Interiors were decent, but they are getting picked over quick.

I likely wouldn't be able to leave until friday evening. What are you guys planning on running saturday?

Oh, and I'll need real good directions to camp since I'd likely arrive at night fall and have never been in the area before.

My seats are still in pretty good condition but,,,,,if there's a drivers side with teal piping without rips and tears, I'd be glad to add an agent fee to that cost.

Directions are pretty easy;
SR410 to Little Naches (where 410 makes a 90* right bend before Cliffdell)

Turn Left onto Little Nahces RD (aka NF1900) continue approx 12 miles, look for NFS 1913 on the right and turn onto it.

Less than 1/4 mile on the left is the Naches Trail entrance. By that time you should be seeing trailers and such.

Somewhere along there you'll see a white EF flag and maybe Kevins 'Roll Over Posse' flag.

As for Saturday, there are a lot of trails around the 'rocks' of varying difficulties. I'm thinking about;
Tripod Flat
Frost Buck Meadows, while the others play on the rocks.

These are all rated 'More Difficult'. My experience with that rating is they are just tough enough that you won't see a Subaru in your mirror (unless it's Joe:rolleyes:)


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Alrighty. I might wander over to pick a part tomorrow.

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Google maps made that clearing look a lot bigger for some reason.

Ken is probably going to have a small motor home as well. Not quite as big as JR's
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yesterday I bought a camper for my truck, so I don't need as much room as before.
I also have a older (1979) camper for sale if anyone is looking.
