SVT Wheels On Ford Explorer Sprt HELP!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SVT Wheels On Ford Explorer Sprt HELP!!!!

Hey There,

I been wanted to get s some svt wheels, The problem Is that my expo wheels are stock 235/75/15s, BUt the svt wheels i am trying buy are two Different Sets of tires, One is 245/45/17 and other one is 275/40/17, will the car run the same,, or would i have problems with brakes, or any other thing,,
You guys Knowlegde would be very helpful,

Thanks for you help heres some picks of my car and the wheels,

Thanks once again



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As long as it's not AWD (which that isn't) you will be fine.

Hey George...
The SVT wheels are going to look great. There is an additional caution...!
Be sure the offset of the wheels match what the original wheels are. There could be some fitment issues with the wheels and tires.
I put Mustang Bullit wheels on my 1st gen ('91)
and had to use some 1/8' spacers.


Best to check that before the project starts...

Thank you for your help, I have to say great job on the 91 sport, Looks like it coming out great, looking at the body of the explorer will have to get larger tires for the rear because the 2001 sprt has a wide body, and dont like that look small tires on suv, but i believe space will play a big part in my wheel decison, wat type of engine you have on the 91

I had same wheels on my last explorer but I use P245/65/17 which will keep around the stock tire circumference.

thanks that very helpful by anychance do you have pik of your rims with P245/65/17

Thank you for your help, I have to say great job on the 91 sport, Looks like it coming out great, looking at the body of the explorer will have to get larger tires for the rear because the 2001 sprt has a wide body, and dont like that look small tires on suv, but i believe space will play a big part in my wheel decison, wat type of engine you have on the 91

:cool:..."the sport" is a work in progress for sure. It's been going on for YEARS!!!
But, it keeps an old guy like me out of the bars. Probably better that way!
The drive train in "the sport" is a 302 headers, cam, T-5 trans., '97 Exploder rear end w/disc brakes.:smoke:

'99 Cobra wheels.:thumbsup:

They are going to look funny with such short tires. Your going to have a huge gap between the tire and wheelwell, unless you lower it or get some taller tires.

i have the 03 svt cobra wheels with 275/55 tires..

why not on an awd?

The transfer cases are very very sensitive to different size tires. Even if you have the same size tires, the tread wear can even effect them.. most mechanics suggest replacing your tires in sets of 4 on AWD vehicles because of this.

ok so i have a 97 awd 5.0 explorer. it came with 15" wheels. i put a set of 16" wheels from a mustang on it but with new tires all the same size and from the same company. i should be ok right?

ok so i have a 97 awd 5.0 explorer. it came with 15" wheels. i put a set of 16" wheels from a mustang on it but with new tires all the same size and from the same company. i should be ok right?

You should be ok.
