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New Explorer "Crucial" to Ford

My guess is most poeple who are so dillusionally hateful towards this new Explorer have no intention of buying anything new (most of the comments that are negative are from people owning pre-2000 models, I would be pissed too LOL)

My car buying history since 1993:

-1993 Explorer Sport, factory ordered, paid cash.

-Hyundai Scoupe (that's a hot car in Bermuda, Explorers aren't allowed there except with a business license), new, paid cash.

-1997 Explorer Sport, factory ordered, two year prepaid lease.

-2000 Contour SVT, new, financed over a few years. Low payments.

-2000 Explorer Sport, used with only 8,000 miles, Ford executive driven (traded in the SVT because it kept getting beat up on the backcountry roads I used to get to mountainbike trailheads). Almost bought a brand new '02 Sport, but couldn't resist the deal on the 2000.

-1999 EB, used with only 35,000 miles.

Before the '93 Sport, I drove a brand new Chrysler product, a brand new VW and brand new Isuzu.

I can buy new, but choose not to anymore. On all those new car purchases, I got soaked on depreciation etc.

This site taught me to extend the life of what I have. Why a '99 EB? Because it's got a 5.0 and it will last me forever. It's only got 138,000 km on it (83,000 miles). Has top end synthetics anywhere possible.

I LOVE 2nd gens. The moment I saw the '95s get introduced while I still lived in Bermuda, I knew I had to have one. I began negotiations for the factory ordered '97 from Bermuda before I even came home. I signed the paperwork the next day after I flew home.

To say that people complaining about the '11 can't afford new cars is making some very broad generalizations. :thumbdwn:

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ya know this is all reminiscent of when the 3rd gens came out...

Not to me. I liked the 3rd gen when I first saw one (and shied away when I started reading up on the '02 and heard horror stories of my brother's '04 w/v8). I drove a friend's '05 last summer and liked it. I gave the 4th gen a real close look when they came out too and considered getting one a few years ago. I'm not all hung up on the rear axle argument that so many on the site are. I don't "offroad" like so many do, but I do like to take mine into places that make a mess of cars (hence why I ditched my low mileage SVT Contour for another second gen). I like the trucklike feel of the Explorer. The Escape feels like a small car and the Expedition is too big for me.

From a guy who has liked Explorers from gen 1-4 (with a real focus on 2nd gens since I've had three), if I were to buy another vehicle in the Explorer category now, I'd look at other manufacturers as well because the CUV rendition of the "Explorer" looks like so many other vehicles on the road these days, domestic and otherwise. Ford has sold out, IMHO. If I were to score another Ford (and I love Fords), the Explorer probably wouldn't be the one. I never would have dreamed of driving any other SUV but an Explorer since '93 except maybe a Porsche Cayenne and that's for other reasons (I like Porsche, but the idea of spending that much money on any car has never appealed to me).

most of the comments that are negative are from people owning pre-2000 models, I would be pissed too LOL) and just tyring to justify themselves driving their 10 year model.

On that, I say good day!

I'm not pissed, but happy with the best explorer out there...99-01 Long live the 2nd gen!!
Pissed that they haven't come out with a better camaro...stuck with my old 68 RS :cool:

Correct... The world was ending when the Explorer went IRS... :)

Cute ute category- that made me lol!

I voted for the Leaf and the Durango. The Leaf since I think it's better than the Volt, and the Durango to sandbag for the Explorer. :D

To say that people complaining about the '11 can't afford new cars is making some very broad generalizations. :thumbdwn:

I never said you couldn't afford, I said you werent' buying new.

if I were to buy another vehicle in the Explorer category now, I'd look at other manufacturers as well because the CUV rendition of the "Explorer" looks like so many other vehicles on the road these days, domestic and otherwise. Ford has sold out, IMHO. If I were to score another Ford (and I love Fords), the Explorer probably wouldn't be the one. I never would have dreamed of driving any other SUV but an Explorer since '93 except maybe a Porsche Cayenne and that's for other reasons (I like Porsche, but the idea of spending that much money on any car has never appealed to me).

I did look, and for me, and what I am using it for, the choice was very clear. If I was wanting an offroad truck I would keep the Raptor, if I wanted a rock crawler I would get a Jeep.

Ford hasn't sold out anything, they are doing good business. The other companies sold out when they took our tax dollars. Compare any other vehicle with the interior and options and NONE compare. I even looked at Acadia Denali's, Used Land Rovers, Durango, and non of them were comparable (Not Jeep,had one before SRT8, not enough room and they rode like ****)

I just hear a bunch of die hards that don't want to see Live axles gone, want their leaf springs, want carberators, want big block horsepower because they can't understand how anything else can be better.

Another big part of being on a forum is the discussions and comradery, if every discussion turns into how far each of us can pee it is silly, and waste of everyones time.

My guess, there is a good reason that the 06 crowd is taking so long to take off, the welcoming commitee is the most charming bunch.

if i didnt use the truck for what i use it for thus far out of all the ones ive driven (between bein around and the couple that come to my shop i think ive driven almost every combo out there now cept the 2011) i think the 4th gen would be the best to own for the sake of owning one just to drive. i still miss my 3rd gen actually.

i know i have said that im against the unibody f/f thing, but ive always said that based on what i use the x for.

at the same point in time ive also stated that they produced what will move models for the most part. i know a few people who arent on the forum that arent to hot on trading the x they have in, but i know alot more people who have explorers who have no true idea of what changed

its funny the focus crowd went through this in 05 and again in 08 it seems

i say more power to you, i hope it is a good fit for those who pick them up, and i hope they post good real world analasis of the final product

as for me ill keep droolin over the 2012 focus and keep wheeling my 19 year old pos


Who the heck wants a carburetor?!?!


I guess over a million posts in thousands upon thousands of threads are all just a bunch of good ole boys in a peeing match?

Please don't think after a dozen posts you think you got us all figured out. We all don't get along all the time, thats for sure, but I argue with my family sometimes too. I consider the fine outstanding people on here as my family as well. This is one of the friendliest, family morals, forum your going to find on the internet.

Maybe you should take a look at the direction your going with this. Your going after people on here, instead of the topic at hand, is not helping you much. Just relax a bit, sit back and see how this plays out.


trollin, trollin, trollin.

My guess, there is a good reason that the 06 crowd is taking so long to take off, the welcoming commitee is the most charming bunch.

Wow, that came through as if you were calling all of us '06 owners a bunch of a$$holes.

No, I think the rest of us were the a$$holes...

I'd like to see a garage pic of the Raptor and the SHO, though... Would be a nice garage...

Joe thanks for the clarification. I'm more often A Wise A$$ than an a$$hole.

I would say that the owners of the older gen's have built a sense of community since they've worked/helped each other keep their Ex's on the road.

The later gen's just aren't old enough to start wearing out, driving their owners to this site looking for info. The one's who have come here are maybe modder's and Explorer enthusiasts?

I was recently considering an Infiniti FX and I checked out some owner, a pretty snobby bunch.

I bet they all have garages big enough to hold a Raptor/SHO and 2011 Ex though...I'm just sayin'. :p:

I would say that the owners of the older gen's have built a sense of community since they've worked/helped each other keep their Ex's on the road.

The later gen's just aren't old enough to start wearing out, driving their owners to this site looking for info. The one's who have come here are maybe modder's and Explorer enthusiasts?

I bought my '93 brand new and modified it when it had just 500 miles on it. When I started the website for Ford Explorers at many others were doing the same thing I was to their new trucks.

What seems to have happened is that while the base price has went up nearly $10,000 over the years, peoples salaries have not kept up. It's a lot different throwing another $3000 in modification into a vehicle which cost $28,000 than it was to put the same money into a vehicle that cost $18,000.

Today more people are leasing and taking out long term loans than ever before. That's the only way many people can afford a new vehicle. It's hard for a lot of people to justify modifying a vehicle they won't fully own for up to 7 years.

Sadly, if I were looking for an SUV with the same criteria that I used to chose my Ford Explorer, the new Explorer wouldn't even be on my radar screen. It's no longer a utility vehicle. I just can't see a tradesmen using an Explorer to throw his equipment and supplies into one. For me a pickup wasn't an option. I needed to haul people and equipment. Above all, I wanted an enclosed vehicle which would keep my equipment (lots of photo gear) safe, dry, and easily accessible while traveling the back roads and trails of Arizona. A pickup, even with a cap can't meet those criteria.

Today a Nissan Xterra would probably meet my the criteria I set when I bought my '93 Explorer. Nissan has to be commended in keeping the Xterra more truck like, than car like. It's also well supported in the aftermarket.

Ford understands that women are now responsible for the majority of new vehicle purchase decisions and have geared most of their lineup towards those ends. Ford left the men with pickup trucks and the Mustang. I guess we should be thankful they left something for us... Too bad out of their enormous SUV and Crossover lineup they couldn't have geared one towards us.

That said, I hope our members will welcome 2011 Explorer owners with open arms and with the same camaraderie we have always exhibited. This site has evolved from a largely offload based site into a site filled with information for all kinds of Explorers, from stock to wildly modified. It may take some time before we start seeing modified 2011s, but it will happen, and I for one can't wait to see what people come up with!

I love my first generation 1993, I bought it because I like the body lines, and will keep it on the road until the wheels fall off. which may never happen. Not a fan of the 2011,although my wife likes it. And that sum's it up in a nutshell.

Sadly, if I were looking for an SUV with the same criteria that I used to chose my Ford Explorer, the new Explorer wouldn't even be on my radar screen. It's no longer a utility vehicle.

From C/D: A New Ford Bronco? It’s a Possibility

While traversing the relatively challenging off-road course Ford set up for an Explorer event last week, I kept thinking to myself wouldn’t this be more fun if we were driving something more off-road-oriented? Like, say, a Bronco? So I asked the chief engineer for Explorer, Jim Holland, what his thoughts were about a Bronco for the New Millennium, and what it might be like.

Not sure where this image comes from:

Oh, appears to be a photochop of the Ex America concept:

Hey, wheres my post??
Am i the only one that can't say a$$hole around here?? :censored:

I think it's just a California thing, Sean... :D

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