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New girl my new '03 sport!

Hey Jenni, welcome to the site, nice to see more girls joining the site. The ladies are starting to learn that an Explorer is more than just a soccer mom mobile :D

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Yeah, I guess there aren't too many girls on here...that's too bad. It makes us that are on here much better than the rest! I guess having an interest in your car is generally a "male thing." I was so excited when i got my new X that I wanted to learn all about it, i'm kind of **** that way. My boyfriend is already concerned about the time I'm obsessing about it...haha good thing we are on a "break" right now then. To the men out there, it isn't always the ladies that gripe about stuff, lol.

SoBe lover, definitely not a soccer mom here! I dread the day I have to consider buying a mini van ;)

I'll put up a few pics of my new baby at the lot when i picked it up...i think i'm going to dub mine a boy. When i picked "him" up. That's better.

Your BF is concerned about you obsessing over your new explorer?
Time for a new BF :) hahaha

410Fortune said:
Your BF is concerned about you obsessing over your new explorer?
Time for a new BF :) hahaha

Haha that is what I thought. I didn't seem to think it was a good idea I got a new car...he worries about the logistics of things way too much :confused:
Good thing I will never let him drive it then!!!!

yeah my g/f started taking to much attention away from my truck. Well now that she is gone the truck has received new wheels, new system, and soon a set of drag tires.

Logistics has nothing to do with toys.
It a GREAT hooby, productive, and healthy. Its just all the $$$ it costs that makes 'em mad! hahaha
I couldnt do half my hobbies without my truck, and I haven't had a car payment in like 10 years now.

yeah my g/f started taking to much attention away from my truck. Well now that she is gone the truck has received new wheels, new system, and soon a set of drag tires.

now that my wife is out of the picture, i was able to get my X and dump off my 170,000+ mile ranger. oh, and then add the lift, tires, grille, and whatever else I feel like doing to it with MY money.

hope your truck loves you back.....

jeff96 said:
hope your truck loves you back.....

It helps me find multiple females and make videos (see sig)

jeff96 said:
hope your truck loves you back.....

Mine does, sometimes if I catch her in the right mood she'll even talk dirty ;)

Nice videos, but what does that have to do with this?


Hey all,

I've been away from the site for a few weeks...but wanted to update y'all with some progress I've made with almost two month old X purchase.

Swapped out my factory 6 disc changer for a new Pioneer HU so I can play my iPod. First problem was getting the original OUT of the dash. Apparently the folks who owned it before me decided to jam something in the holes where the removal tools go, therefore breaking or bending the clips. Spent wayyy to long trying to get it out, just thinking I was an idiot for not getting it out. Gave up, drove to best buy and did my cute girl smile and the guy took it out for me, for free of course. Had to cut those clips off... so if anybody wants to buy a 6 disc changer, works fine, with no clips, then let me know ;-) I have no use for it anymore.

Next was installing my new HU. After utilized the search feature way too much, I figured out how to mess with the wires and get the factory sub/amp to kick on and work with my new head unit. You think they could make some sort of harness for that. Now it works really well, my new HU has sub controls, low pass filters and all that so that lil factory sub sounds much better than it did before. It was a pain to figure out but was worth it.

And lastly, finally got my add a leafs put on...couldn't stand the sagging rear of the truck. It looks sooo much better now with them on, and rides a lot better too. A little stiffer, but no longer bouncy and mushy. My dad was a little worried it was gonna take him forever to get them on, only took him about an hour. I didn't measure before/after height, but it did make a big difference. If anything the rear is slightly higher, but i figure that will settle down too. I will post some pics when I get them up online somewhere.

Sounds like you've been busy. Hey, Can you save us all the search drama and give us the write up on wiring the sub to new HU? Something I plan on in the future but my smart$ are low! so any shortcuts would be great. Thanks keep up the good work

Lake Okabogee (spelling?) is supposed to be a pretty hot spot in IA, or so tell me the guys that work at the Malibu dealership(IA natives) next to my Supra dealership here in PHX.

I have a buddy heading that way doing a wakeboard clinic on his tour. Check out for dates and locations. This guy is a riot and he's taught a lot of the good riders (Zane, parks, etc)

Dannyboy said:
Lake Okabogee (spelling?) is supposed to be a pretty hot spot in IA, or so tell me the guys that work at the Malibu dealership(IA natives) next to my Supra dealership here in PHX.

I have a buddy heading that way doing a wakeboard clinic on his tour. Check out for dates and locations. This guy is a riot and he's taught a lot of the good riders (Zane, parks, etc)

Close on the spelling...that would be Okoboji...I think that is how to spell it, haha. It is a pretty wild place on the 4th of July, haven't been up there for years though. I'll have to check out that's nice when lil ol' Iowa gets some attention from the wakeboard scene. However, can't wait to move down to warmer weather sometime soon! Iowa is really cold right now...and it's almost may!

ALSO...I'll try to post up how I wired that head unit. I don't have it attached in the dash yet really, thinking about putting in an iPod interface thingy, so i can just slide it out and look at the wires. However, it was the same wiring scheme for my '03 as for the older X's that I found during the search. Note I have little to no knowledge of this stuff, but it was pretty simple if you know what to connect!

Welcome Aboard

aw...i'm a idiot i thought this thread was newer :confused:

Welcome to the site:D
