New wheels and tires yeeee! nitto's and pro comps | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New wheels and tires yeeee! nitto's and pro comps

finally saved up for somethin nice. They are 33's on 16's. Nitto Terra Grapler sized 285/75R16 with Pro Comp 8069 series 16x8 wheels.



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...nice truck :eek: and really nice shoes....

so is it legal to have your license plate angled down towards the ground like that? i feel like that is one of those things a cop having a bad day would pull you over for...

Where did you get them all at the same place or wheels from somewhere and tires from another? ethier way where did you end up going?

so is it legal to have your license plate angled down towards the ground like that? i feel like that is one of those things a cop having a bad day would pull you over for...
I actually had to get a fix-it ticket a while back for havin no front bumper and no license plate. A CVPD cheriff signed it off after physically viewing my truck so i guess its ok. lol

Where did you get them all at the same place or wheels from somewhere and tires from another? ethier way where did you end up going?
Good question. Me and my buddy work at rival Chrysler dealerships. He's at McCune Chrysler Jeep, and im at San Diego Dodge. His place has an account with Pro Comp down here in Chula Vista so i got the wheels there with employee discount. The tires i got from a company "Wheel pros" also with the discount. I got everything for just under $1100

so is it legal to have your license plate angled down towards the ground like that? i feel like that is one of those things a cop having a bad day would pull you over for...

From what I've heard, in CA as long as it's on the front and visible, it's legal.

Looks good, I love my Nitto TG's.

Looks good! I like those front shocks too;)
Compliments to the chef. Thanks for your parts FAT CAT. Everything worked out great.

Nice rig !

we seem to have the same taste in Wheels :D

looks real nice

Hey, ive always liked what youve done to your explorer, looks and functionality. Now it looks so much better. How do your 33s fit with the spindles, spacers, and the fiberglass? Your torsion bars aren't cranked are they? I want to step up to 33s for my next tires, but i only have spindles and maybe a half inch at most with the torsion bars cranked just for alignment, i'd consider fiberglass if they give much more clearance in the back of the wheel well.

Hey, ive always liked what youve done to your explorer, looks and functionality. Now it looks so much better. How do your 33s fit with the spindles, spacers, and the fiberglass? Your torsion bars aren't cranked are they? I want to step up to 33s for my next tires, but i only have spindles and maybe a half inch at most with the torsion bars cranked just for alignment, i'd consider fiberglass if they give much more clearance in the back of the wheel well.

I agree, when i installed my fiberglass, i trimmed off maybe 1" of the back wheel well area. Though, only because with spacers it actually worsens the situation. Adding spacers moves the wheel farther outboard to the actual center point of the rotation axis (where the tierod joint is on the steering knuckle). So, now when i turn the wheel, instead of the wheel standing in place and rotating in degrees, it rotates with an arc movement; I moves farther forward or backwards of the truck, slightly.
I didnt need much lift for those 33's. infact, with the spacers and fiberglass, i dont think i would need any lift for a 33 tire size anyways, their was plenty clerence. The spindles, spacers, and new wheels pushed my wheel centerline a tad over 4" outboard the frame on each side of the front. Right now im thinkin of selling my 2.5" spacers and going down to 2" or 1.5". These new wheels are a little wider so it will put even more stress to weak points in the steering system. My torsion are not cranked. I think i had lowered them 1 or 2 inches before, with the spindle, to give it a cool stance; Low and Wide. Right now the torsion ride height is stock level.

one problem they are too clean
