OHV 4.0 intake stud bolts...source? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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OHV 4.0 intake stud bolts...source?

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Very true! I've been getting a forced education. ;)
I used to hate the idea of EEC, but now I'm starting to gain more appreciation. With the added confidence I'm finding myself wanting to delve into tuning the thing with my laptop!:D
I guess you can't just bolt stuff on anymore and expect optimum performance.
I thought about a 5.0, but that little 6-banger has some impressive torque...
and gets over 25mpg!!


Dunno why I didn't think of this the first time around!!

I didn't have an E7 Torx socket, my Snap-on kit only goes down to E10! Thanks a lot... again... Ford!!
I found a set of studs on eBay for $22 (already sold) and an E7 socket from Snap-on for another $4.80...

Screw that! Just run one of the plenum nuts upside-down over the stud and another right-side-up over it, tighten them together and presto!! use a 13mm socket to torque the stud!! (make sure the nuts are good and tight so they don't slip, should be good enough for the 11lbs/ft spec!)

Here's a pic of what I'm about to try... tell ya how it comes out.

I didn't pull the lower, just retorqued it... hate to cheap out on it but didn't feel like doing 3x the work to pull the lower, hope it's not an issue! *crossing fingers* The upper gasket just mostly fell off, so I think it may be the culprit for my vacuum leak. I shouldn't have listened to the Felpro instructions "No additional sealant is necessary" my ass!! They should have used 5x more of that impregnated sealer! It wasn't even stuck in some spots!

Now to find a tightening sequence for the fuel rail and plenum... Haynes Repair Manuals SUCK!!

Sorry 'bout the rant... *putting soapbox away* Hope the info helps!

Peace y'all!!

Better Idea

Nuts slipped a little and was a pita, so I found a friction type lock nut (see image - http://www.mechanicsupport.com/image/obj833geo835white tranpg75p15.png) that was a size or two larger so it slipped over the stud and the reduced diameter cleared the fuel rail holes, ran a plenum nut over it and voila, 13mm socket on the torque wrench!! I torqued the studs to 10lbs/ft then 17lbs/ft just for good measure, shouldn't be overtightened enough to cause problems and maybe enough to keep 'em tight.
Now if the lower holds up I won't have to strip the damn thing to the long block...

Injector Rail Studs

Been going through all the threads in hopes I'd find something that would help.
I do not have access to a wrecking yard and been searching hi and low for these silly studs. Part numbers I have are: E805674-S, W703492-S303, W702312-S309M & M8X33M8X45 from the post above from Dono
I've emailed several wrecking yards, obsolete parts outlets...etc...no luck yet.
Where on earth is a guy suppose to find these things today, rather than going to a salvage yard and pulling them yourself...which I would, but we do not have that available to us on the little island of American Samoa...:)
I'd gladly pay 30.00 bucks for a set, plus small fate rate box shipping
Thanks gang

If you still need one or so of these I may have them in my box o parts leftover from when I build 1 motor from 2. Let me know and I can dig through the box.

Hi Mark

Do you still have Fuel Rail Stud for 1991 Ford Ranger 4.0 OHV

This is Greenbear2022

Hi Mark

Do you still have Fuel Rail Stud for 1991 Ford Ranger 4.0 OHV

This is Greenbear2022
WEIRD HOW everyone is suddenly needing 4.0 OHV intake stud / fuel rail studs.....you're like the third person in the last few weeks...
See the last post here --- Turdle might still have some ...msg him.....not sure if seconds gens will work on your 91 though with its aluminum UPPER intake versus our plastic ones.... same basic design but........
