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Fuel rail bolts


September 15, 2018
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Explorer 4.0
I rebuilt my engine, finally getting it all back together after working on other projects. Runs okay but has misfire and code shows lean running. . .likely an intake manifold leak. When I put the engine together the funky fuel rail spacer bolts (threaded on both ends, star fitting on one end, permanent "washer" that holds down the fuel rail about a third of the way along) were barely serviceable (star ends stripped, some thread stripping) and I need new ones before I attempt a fix. Is there a source for them?

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Salvage? Always a good resource.

Part # W702312-S309M
Good luck they are like just gone I was looking for some last month..

I rebuilt my engine, finally getting it all back together after working on other projects. Runs okay but has misfire and code shows lean running. . .likely an intake manifold leak. When I put the engine together the funky fuel rail spacer bolts (threaded on both ends, star fitting on one end, permanent "washer" that holds down the fuel rail about a third of the way along) were barely serviceable (star ends stripped, some thread stripping) and I need new ones before I attempt a fix. Is there a source for them?
I have a couple spares....not sure if you need more ... let me know....they're yours for Ground shipping costs.
On side note, a weird thing is on certain OHV's the top is different lengths so don't let that throw you off if you go hunting for them - with spare etc....either ones will work as the bottom threads / built in washer spacing are the same as you would observe with your spare --- I guess the longer top ones were for added accessories to bolt onto the top, at least that was the case with the ones I came across at salvage place. The correct socket for the star top is an E7.
And not sure if it was my chinese torque wrench or the torque specs were off / too high in Haynes manual (<<--might be this since your and my star ends got tweaked) but I torqued mine by hand/feel going forward after having a star head tweak.

I have a couple spares....not sure if you need more ... let me know....they're yours for Ground shipping costs.
On side note, a weird thing is on certain OHV's the top is different lengths so don't let that throw you off if you go hunting for them - with spare etc....either ones will work as the bottom threads / built in washer spacing are the same as you would observe with your spare --- I guess the longer top ones were for added accessories to bolt onto the top, at least that was the case with the ones I came across at salvage place. The correct socket for the star top is an E7.
And not sure if it was my chinese torque wrench or the torque specs were off / too high in Haynes manual (<<--might be this since your and my star ends got tweaked) but I torqued mine by hand/feel going forward after having a star head tweak.
Thanks for the offer and advice. Using the part numbers from the post above I founds some and ordered them late last night. We'll see if the order actually comes through. If not I may take you up on them. It's kind of a crappy design, but I guess if I get it running right I won't need to tear it down anytime soon.

Thanks for the offer and advice. Using the part numbers from the post above I founds some and ordered them late last night. We'll see if the order actually comes through. If not I may take you up on them. It's kind of a crappy design, but I guess if I get it running right I won't need to tear it down anytime soon.
Well, I finally got the bolts, but somehow the site I ordered from had switched the number. I got the wrong ones and the correct ones are out of stock. Shame Ford had to make such a crappy design.

Any alternatives? Has anyone tried just running regular bolts all the way down through the plenum and the fuel rail?

Here's the two I have ...let me know if they'll work...


I rebuilt my engine, finally getting it all back together after working on other projects. Runs okay but has misfire and code shows lean running. . .likely an intake manifold leak. When I put the engine together the funky fuel rail spacer bolts (threaded on both ends, star fitting on one end, permanent "washer" that holds down the fuel rail about a third of the way along) were barely serviceable (star ends stripped, some thread stripping) and I need new ones before I attempt a fix. Is there a source for them?
I am looking for these stud bolts as well. I had two full sets, one set loose, and ready to install, the other set in an assembled (spare) engine. Then one of my neighbours broke into the garage, carried off all the nice, cleaned, labelled parts, AND the spare engine, and weighed the lot in for scrap. "Salvage" doesn't work for me, I'm in England. There is a bloke in town who has offered to make me a set from billet, but I need just one good one to use as a pattern. Can anyone help? It is a '92 engine, came from Jeff Dunne when he was at SVO. Thanks, Dave
