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Ok so if I...........???

May 19, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Gig Harbor, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91' EB Explorer 4dr
If I throw on just warrior shackles and do I 2 inch TT what size of rubber should I be able to fit guys?:redexp:

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31's, maybe 32's...i'm sure you could fit 32's with a little minor fender trimming

You can't do a TT on your truck. You don't have torsion bars. You will either have to put in a set of F-150 coil spacers or taller springs to lift the nose. As for tire size, you can probably fit 32's in, but it will be tight.

Are you sure i cant tdo a TT? I have heard you can do them on 91's. Havent people done it?

Originally posted by HumptHerRumpty
Are you sure i cant tdo a TT? I have heard you can do them on 91's. Havent people done it?
Not 91 Explorers. 91 Blazers possibly.

Hmmmmm. ok. Bummer. Well then if i did the shackles and spacers would i have to re-allign. Also would i have to buy new shocks?

10000% positive you can't do a TT on a '91 Explorer. You have coil springs in the front, not torsion bars. Torsion bars are on the 95-up explorers. 91-94 got coil springs.

Yes, you will have to re-align the vehicle. You may even need offset camber bushings. You are changing the front suspension geometry, which will mess up the toe in and the camber. You will probably not have to buy new shocks if you only go 2"

Doh, didn't read that you had said TT...yeah, you'd need coil spacers like Jeff said...

you could adjust the toe in by yourself, but you'd have to get it aligned somewhere else unless you have an alignment rack...

I got to go to work. I'll check it there later or i will be home at 7:00pm to check. Keep posting. I will reply guys. Thanks i really appreciate it.


With new bushings you are probally looking at over 100

I am gettin new bushings this morning. So I wont need new ones. But my new ones are for stock. does that matter??

Yup. When you lift the truck, sometimes it requires a special offset bushing that allows for more adjustment than the stock one.

Hmmm.....Well do you think i will need new ones if i am just putting on the Warriors and the F150 Spacers? Please say no....ha ha

Actually, from what I've seen, it depends upon how the individual truck is built. Some people need them and some don't. You won't know until they try to align it after you lift it.

I see I see! Well wish me luck. College make you poor ya know!! JEEZ!!! ha ha


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