Pic Request- Your Explorer Towing | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pic Request- Your Explorer Towing

Ill start the show with my pic-



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Well this is when i first bought it and all it had done was that BW4406 TC swap and well as you can see as usual a ford rescuing a jeep....lolol



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Hey SploderXLT nice job on the trailer. Looks real pro made. Hook up the Honda and tow the X to save gas LOL. ed060784 did you rescue the Jeep from the mud ? Kidding , Jeep looks heavy though .

Hey SploderXLT nice job on the trailer. Looks real pro made. Hook up the Honda and tow the X to save gas LOL. ed060784 did you rescue the Jeep from the mud ? Kidding , Jeep looks heavy though .

couldn't do it then but now i do rescue a lot of the jeeps from the club :D but dude the trailer alone was i think like 1700lbs and that jeep had 40in boggers with Dana 60 front and rear and like 2 coolers full with beer hahahaha... i think that jeep was like 7000lbs so that's like 8500 - 8700lbs being towed + me, my wife, my buddy his friend and his son in the truck....i actually bent down a lil bit my towing hitch after that whole ordeal..... to tell truth the truck had the power to move but i mean if u pass 50mph that thing was all over like a roller-coaster...lolol it was fun though

DUI's are no fun so next time have the kiddies drink the beer to lighten the load.

Here's my Explorer making use of itself, hauling some dirt from the neighbor's house. The trailer sure does look low in the rear. :eek:


15ft. x 30ft. garage on a 16ft. heavy duty tandem car trailer lol



Wow! How does it do towing that monster?

In all honesty it wasn't that bad. I was very surprised it went as well as it did especially considering I backed it down my one lane subdivision 100 yards with only a buddy guiding me and into my uphill driveway ;)

Holy crap! Must have been sweating that whole ride.

LOL yeah I was afraid I was going to be dealing with a 15x30ft upside down chunk of sheet metal blocking the road

Here's what I pull with my Explorer....



my bass boat, 18 foot Champion with a 150 Yamaha,,

ha ha m m how about a load in an Explorer,,


that is an almost 500 lb 150 hp Yamaha outboard in the back seat,,

Awesome rigs, guys!

Sweet Mustang, JDraper, and that's the first 5th gen I've seen towing anything in real life or in pictures, it's good to see it. :D

Taking a quick Home Depot run to buy some 16 foot boards.


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What i tow, to scared to tow our horse trailer. She loves the flatbed, does 65-70 easily even loaded down with fence panels, wood and tposts

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http://www.mysporttrac.com/~library/29593/000_0751 (800x533).jpg

2002 Sport Trac, 6x12 trailer with a 600 lb atv inside. Almost all my towing of this trailer will be local, although I did pull it 250 miles on the highway when I went after the atv. The ST handled it fine.
I just bought a 5x8 utility trailer to replace my homebuilt 4x8 trailer. I intend to hook up this combo, my son's '97 Mountaineer, which we just bought, to the 5x8, and my '94 Explorer to what's left of the 4x8 trailer and post a pic of all of them together.
