Put on 30 x 11.50 Thornbirds (pic) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Put on 30 x 11.50 Thornbirds (pic)

Well. I got alot of work done on my X this weekend. Installed a MAC cold air kit, installed reverse glow gauges and also got some new 30 x 11.50 Thornbirds put on. Yeah yeah, I know the majority of everyone on here hates Thornbirds but I like the way they look. Got the torsion twist up front and shackles are going on in a week or so. I think it looks pretty good with the Thornturds on it. The MAC intake works good too although it didn't fit like it was supposed to. I'll throw in some pics of it later. Just thought I'd share.


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Those things look mean!

Subscribing to see how these wear on a DD, keep us posted, will ya?

Sure will. I've been driving on them everyday for the last week and they've still got all the mold hairs on them.. even where they contact the pavement.

i had 35 X 12.5 thornbirds on my old 1st gen...they looked really good because of the backspacing i had on my wheels and were loud as hell to drive on the roads. I ran them on the street at around 10 psi usually because when i bought them they were a little more bald in the middle from being over inflated on the street.

They're absolutely horrible in the mud though...atleast compared to a TSL or bogger or even a BFG MT from what ive seen. The thornbirds dude throw mud about 30 feet front each tire though.

id post a pic but cardomain isnt working for me right now

those things do look nice even if they don't have that great of traction, i bet they are noisy, i like a noisy tire :D

Here's a new pic with the added lift in the rear. Went a did a little offroading at a local mudhole. You can also see the new fog lights.




MAC air intake

Too clean. ROFL

Looks good though.

my x is never even that clean straight out the car wash much less at a mud hole :-\ lol... tires look good on the x though nice

heres a pic of my old one



Looks good. What size 'Birds were those and are those 10" wheels ?
