Question about Front License Plate Bracket | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Question about Front License Plate Bracket


Well-Known Member
April 21, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Baltimore, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Limited V8

I have a simple, (I hope), question about Front License Plate Brackets on 1999 Explorers.

The truck I bought did not come with a front bracket. Because the law requires us to have two in this state, I'd like to get one. Recently, on the classifieds section, I saw one for a pretty good price. However, it's from a '97 Explorer.

My question is will this fit my '99 Explorer?

I'm not too sure what the trim/options are on the '97, but mine is a '99 XLT model with that gray plastic/vinyl and foglights.


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yeah it wont fit on your 99 explorer. that bracket will fit on 95-98. the one you need is either 99 to 01.

bah, my state requires us to have a plate on both front and rear but ever since i had my front bumper repainted 7 months ago i left it off. so far i havnt been pulled over....also have limo tint on front two windows heh

Dang. That's okay though...for now.

Honestly, I never really noticed not having a front license plate. Actually, I can honestly say our plates are some of the best looking ones out there. Really simple. But, each night when I get off of work and I'm walking to the truck, I sure do notice the no-tag thing. Looks nice. But then I get up close and can see the holes. :(

But thanks! I actually figured it would fit so knowing that, I won't buy one of the ones that was listed in the classified section.

Thanks! :D

I had to buy one from Ford for my 97 6 years ago. It was around $15. Not bad for factory part.

Also try ped5stang. He is a member here and specializes in Explorer & Mustang used parts, You will find him in the parts for sale forum.

Here is the link to his thread:

Hey Dan,

Thanks for the reply! Actually, I was going to buy one from Ped5stang, but he said the only one he had around was one from a '97. :(

Still, I'm buying some other things from him, (can you believe I bought a car without a jack!?!). But $15 really isn't a bad price at all for an accessory from Ford. Heck, I was figuring like $30, so I really wouldn't mind ordering one from my local dealer. I was going to get rubber OEM mats too.

Anyway, thanks for the reply!

You are welcome. It may be more after 6 years but still should be reasonable.
