Question for the manual tranny owners... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Question for the manual tranny owners...

ex voto

Active Member
January 18, 2001
Reaction score
How do you drive the Mazda tranny? This is the THIRD transmission I've had in this damned thing, and I was curious if I'm driving it wrong.

Yes, I can drive a manual vehicle, pretty well I might add. But I do know that some vehicles like to be driven differently; i.e. Hondas like to be driven at higher RPMs because the fluid is dispaced better. Low RPMs in a Honda (over time, of course) can and will cause tranny failure.

Anyone have an idea?

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My '92 had the mazda 5 speed in it, and I drove it pretty hard. It died at about 92k from a failed input shaft.

You must just be having a run of bad luck. Our '95 is at 90.5K with no real issues. Slave cyl in the clutch will eventually have to be done, but tranny seems fine. I do a whole range of driving too. Stop 'n go, low rev lugging, high rev hot rodding, towing, seems to cope admirably so far.

115.000 miles and fourth trany.
I only blew two of 'em so I guess the way you drive it is not an issue. I took a look at one opened at the tranny shop.
That thing shouldn't be on a 4WD/4000 pounds vehicle.
It's just a really poor design! :mad:

I own a 94 4WD 5spd with 110,000km on it, some of which was pulling a trailer. I bought it off a relative in 98 so I know what its been through. I had the trans fluid changed because it was black (too hot?) and ever since then, its performace has been getting worse. Some days it shifts perfect, and other days ....well, *@#!. It almost seems like the "throw" from gear to gear is farther some days and I can't shift as quickly. It is also more notchy lately. I live in a much more damp climate now than I did before and the X seemed to work better in the drier weather out west. Any thoughts? Are there any better trannys that can be adapted to the X.


i hope who ever puts these trannies in don't use the same slave cylinder over and over again because what happends is the slave cylinder stop pushing the clutch all the way in and kill your synchros

I have 160,000 on my mazda tranny with no probs. Only just recently had to replace the clutch and slave cyl. I also had to replace the shifter bushing and freeze out plugs. I did that about a year ago.

I have about 150k on mine and no problems either. I haven't even touched it. Question: Is there some sort of way to add or check fluid level? Are fluid changes necessary? Thanks

so far we have 127k miles on our 97 tranny. as far as we know it is still on the factory clutch and everything. when we swap motors in a few months i will replace the clutch and other things related and possibly change to synthetics for the tranny.

133,000+ on my 92, replaced the throwout bearing about 5 months ago. Other than that not a problem. I drive a manual pretty good (I believe) but yet I give it hell a lot of times.
