Skid plates for 00' EB | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Skid plates for 00' EB


Well-Known Member
October 29, 2009
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City, State
Bay Area, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 EB
So after my first trip to Hollister Hills, CA had such a great time with some friends that I want to continue the Hobbie. After watching a lot of video's and reading a lot of posts it appears that there are some vulnerabilities in the undercarriage of the stock EB explorers.

Can someone advise on the proirity of skid plates in these or other key area's on the Explorer and also what they would recommend for aftermark purchase or custom fabrication?

Radiator area
Transfer / transmission
Gas Tank
Side running boards

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I saw an explorer at the junk yard with what looked like a factory gas tank skid, not sure much more than that.

Factory options were a gas skid and a transfer skid, at least thats what my old one had.

Skid plates were factory until 98, then they were an option. The 95 to 01 plates will bolt right up and can be had cheap from a Junk Yard.

For your front skid, you are going to have to make one, or get one that comes included with a drop bracket lift kit.

Step bars, nerf bars will help protect the rockers some, but are not to be used like rock sliders that can hold the weight of the vehicle because they are attached to the frame plus are made from thick wall steel, unlike the nerf bars that attach to the body.

There are skids for the rear leaf U-bolts, and the differentials as well.

How heavy are the factory skids? I'd like to add them but don't need them badly.

You can get a front one done pretty cheap, especially if you know someone with a welding shop. A buddy of mine did mine and welded the mounting tabs for me.


I have a spare factory t-case plate if your interested

I have a spare factory t-case plate if your interested

yes i AM interested can u let me know how much ? I am located up in the bay area of CA.
